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Registered: ‎12-12-2017

@CherryHugs wrote:



Dear @CherryHugs,   I love this little house and the water feature is calling me.  Heart

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Posts: 20,849
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

hey all

got real sick

wound up in ER this morn at 6am

am on antibotics for 10 days=have a horrid bladder-uti infection. i have been battleing this since april-i did see my doctor=was told nothing was wrong-this doctor was a newbie-anyway, am down for the count-on heavy duty antibotic

ok guys later.

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Posts: 15,170
Registered: ‎12-12-2017

@1Snickers wrote:

 @Sweet Caroline 1   I'm sorry crime is so high there. I think it's increased everywhere. On the Southside of the bay many cities have the highest crime in the nation according to my newspaper. Hampton,  Where that remaining Red Lobster is is now a bad area and we bought our first home there.  Shootings on the interstate are up here, I don't drive on it . It's scary! Please be careful lock doors and hug Jr! 
    Everyone:  My granddaughter's dance program was fantastic. There are a lot of good dancers in that dance school. She did great and it's so much better seeing her stage presence live.
   Her trio dance was minus a dancer so they had to rework it for two this morning. If I hadn't known the dance,  I would have thought it was a good duo dance. The saying " The show must go on"holds true today. 
   She made banana bread for sale at the snack area, we brought some leftover home and it's delicious. 
    The very best part was she just texted me and told me how much she appreciated my being there and she had a really happy day. Her godparents were there, and many friends. Many bouquets of flowers. I give her books ! 
    Tony did fine with the neighbors. My son had told them the show would be long so they could bring Tony to the store when they needed to leave. They brought him in and his helper said he made a fast check around the store searching for my son. So then he petted Tony and asked him if he wanted a treat. He took it to his dog bed and went to sleep. 
      Snickers didn't come to go out when I got home, she was waiting for her dinner looking at her food cabinet. After a walk around the triangle she got dinner. 
      It was a nice day. 
   🏘️ 🔇🔫🔐 🎟️🤸🎼💃

Hey @1Snickers,   It sounds like a very special time.  And Tony was a good boy.  Snickers is like me, staring at that food cabinet, sweet baby. Smiley Happy 


I'm glad that so many friends and family could attend the show, I wish that I was there too.  Big hugs sweet friend! Heart

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Registered: ‎11-09-2013

@viva923 wrote:

hey all

got real sick

wound up in ER this morn at 6am

am on antibotics for 10 days=have a horrid bladder-uti infection. i have been battleing this since april-i did see my doctor=was told nothing was wrong-this doctor was a newbie-anyway, am down for the count-on heavy duty antibotic

ok guys later.


@viva923 Hope those antibiotics kick in quick and you are feeling yourself again soon.

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Posts: 15,170
Registered: ‎12-12-2017

@viva923 wrote:

hey all

got real sick

wound up in ER this morn at 6am

am on antibotics for 10 days=have a horrid bladder-uti infection. i have been battleing this since april-i did see my doctor=was told nothing was wrong-this doctor was a newbie-anyway, am down for the count-on heavy duty antibotic

ok guys later.

Hey @viva923,  I'm so sorry to hear that you are sick.  It must be bad if it's got you down.  I hope the medicine gets you feeling better very soon.  Take care dear friend! Heart
Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-19-2016

@Sweet Caroline 1   Today QVC has free shipping and I noticed a cart with stair climbing wheels item v56308  I recall you have many stairs to lug groceries, etc from your truck. This one has some reviews that say it's hard to put wheels on but there are similar ones.

     It's collapsible, I thought of ordering it for my many steps during Christmas.  I  have a regular cart for boxes but it has standard wheels. The boxes might not fit in the stairclimber. I really don't need it. 
    Everyone: With free shipping I'm ordering today for gifts and myself. 
      We've had two walks and omelette breakfast. I hope to organize rolling shelves more in the garage later. 
      My son will order Uber for dinner at his house later. I usually leave it up to him, he knows what I like. 
       Have a nice Sunday everybody! 
    🛒?  📦📪 Q FREE SHIPPING