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@mousiegirl   I removed the paper backing and tried to push the benadryl through the aluminum foil and ending up cracking the pill in half and not splitting the aluminum Woman Very Happy  I grabbed a knife and pierce the foil.  Really, they shouldn't make it this hard.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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viva,when I first developed high BP I would do the same thing. It's called whitecoat HBP,not a real medical name. Because you are anxious about your BP when you see your physician it goes up. Mine finally stopped,and my physician would leave the room,let me relax and take it again. It's very common,don't worry!

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Beautiful Saturday here.  Warm with very little humidity.  Today is to be a bit warmer with a little more humidity.  

We had 5 hummers today.  One was a male bully and another was a female bully.  The hummers were here throughout the day.  I am wondering why we had none for a length of time and then 1 and now 5.  I am wondering if they came from up north possibly Canada and Maine and are preparing for their journey south soon.  They usually leave here around September 11th.  What ever it is we are very happy to see them.


I am going to give my husband a haircut today and then hope to watch a movie.  



Beautiful hummer pic. 

I never got to make your bread recipe.  I thought I had all of the ingredients but it turned out that I do not.  My husband will not be going to the grocery store for another 2 weeks so by then my blueberries would have been no good so I made the blueberry lime cream cheese loaf again. Thanks for the recipe and I eventually will have to make it as it sounds so good.

















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hey all

EPI my doctor said same thingy about that white coat syndrome. I had both tablets with readings i am getting at home,one on older bp machine and 1 on newer bp machine, he liked the numbers,he said i am doing the right thing,taking it several times a day different times,different rooms and keep a chart going like i am. i am wondering aboout the new bp machine, it think it is defective. i had both machines out. one arm reading was high on old machine, the new machine reading was low,the readings were taken 5 minutes apart, 2 different arms. so that is concerning for me.


not much else, did chores, took walk, have clothes to fold. ok guys later.


PS my old lawn man knocked on front door this morn wanting his old job back. dh hired a new guys last night to do lawn. this one minute he doesn't want to do it,next day he wants to do. dh says just cut our losses, get new cutter here. granted new man is 10 buck higher but this business of yes i want to cut,no i do not want to cut the lawn

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hey all

just a check in nothing new here this p.m..

took my walk early this afternoon. Still very hot and humid out.


starting to cloud up. 


Ok guys later

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Glad I got my lawn work done on Saturday.  It was so pretty and breezy yesterday morning.  The weather guy nailed it - he said by yesterday afternoon it was gonna be hot and humid.  I had windows open in the morning and by afternoon (when I had windows closed and A/C on) it felt like I was walking into an oven.  We didn't get any rain yesterday and so far nothing today.  We better get some rain!

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Hi Birdiing Friends,   A bit past morning here but have a great day anyway!!    


We had torrential rains Saturday evening, night and into the early morning.   St. Louis Airport,  the place where they measure for the whole city got almost 3 inches of rain and some other areas got up to 7 inches.  I found out there's a leak in my mom's old bedroom.  Had to put a pan under the drips to contain the water.   My brother is coming over tomorrow to try and fix it.   Not sure if it's been hit by a tree limb, as happened to the house I am selling,  or if its???.    It's always something.  I am waiting for a call back from an auction house guy to see if they'll come and check on what ever might be sellable rather than my just leaving it behind.     Selling a house and deciding what to keep and what not to keep is a challenge for me,  I've never had to do it before, as Charlie took care of details.  I just signed on the line where they told me to sign.   Don't like this but need to get out from under.   Can't keep paying phone, water, electric, trash, cable, alarm, home owners insurance, etc on 2 houses.     


My cats have totally bonded and it's so much fun to watch them race through the house,  with Willow jumping sideways toward Biscuit as if to challenge her to another wrestling match.   They really wear each other out.   Right now,  Biscuit is lounging in one of the cat beds by one of the dining room windows while Willow is sitting next to the window screen watching the birds and squirrels.   She's fascinated by what goes on outside, especially the birds flying to and from the feeders.   One suet feeder is about 2 feet from the screen.  Her reactions are so funny!!


I use a scissors to cut the pills out of those sealed packs.   I hate fighting with the packaging,  so I cut all of the pills out and put them into an old prescription container.   With Benadryl, I try to buy the 100 tablet container.  So frustrating for sure.  Prilosec pills go into a pill bottle too.  I buy the 42 count pkg. that has 3 14 day little boxes inside the bigger one.  I usually cut one 14 day supply at a time but sometimes do the whole 42.   I keep scissors all over the house for packages coming from Chewy,  Amazon, the Q etc.   Even the cat litter boxes I order have plastic covering the cardboard,  so the scissors come in  handy there too. 





















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hey all

much happened today, will write more later.


surg on right foot now same as what happened on left foot 2 bones have to be removed.


ok guys later

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@possummink   It's hard making big decisions after you lose somebody.  Even though Charlie has been in heaven for awhile, you had your brother that you could talk to.  I think it's a 'two-heads are better than one' kind of thing - it feels good to talk it out with someone.


I think it's a good idea to have the auction guy come over.  If you are going to downsize, you might as well get paid for it.  Heart


I'm so glad that the cats are bonding with each other.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise