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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest


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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest


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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest

Cooper's Hawk Juvenile by carlwoo. Please Like and Follow @go4fotos Thank You. :-)

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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest

Hello Birding Friends - we had some rain last night and it was overcast and gray most of the day.  I think the sun is trying to peep out now.  I replaced some lighting in the basement - went from fluorescent to LED - wowsa - LED is some bright light :-)


The bird for the weekend is the Whiskered Screech Owl. 




There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest

Tissyanne - LOVE the pix of the beautiful Cardinal - my state bird - North Carolina that is. I wonder how many kids today know their state emblem, bird, flower, etc. I was taught well in NC. My state bird is of course the Cardinal, flower is the Dogwood and the state motto is Esse quam videri (sp). Never forgot them and I am older than dirt. Hope you keep coming back here!!!


Possum, that Conrad and Miss Blackie just keep showing up - ycu always have such great pictures - love them.


Was in Palm Springs earlier and it was not bad - heatwise - at all. Like all places it has changed a lot but then it was doing that when I retired. The building we built in 1989 is still very beautiful. They, like other places have changed the landscaping. It use to have super gorgeous grass but all grass is gone and is now beautifully landscaped with dirt, rocks and other things. Still is beautiful. Am delighted to see they are strong supporters - always was - of staying in touch with everyone and that newspaper never put itself above anyone. If we have to conserve so will they. May I add, not many businesses do this - anywhere out here. Some churches are but not businesses and the worse offenders???? GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS!!!!!!


Guess I have caused enough trouble - hope all are having a great day.






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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest

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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest

The Cardinal is the state bird of North Carolina


Winifred,  I found this photo on Pinterest and the caption was that the Cardinal is the state bird of North Carolina.   I thought it was a nice photo of a cardinal.  

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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest

Pursuit by Harry-Eggens. Please Like and Follow @go4fotos Thank You. :-)

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Re: August 2015 - Bird's Nest

Costa Rican Sunset