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Do you buy things just to buy things?  I was at a friend's house yesterday and she had told me the day before she bought 2 weeks worth of meals to prepare (although she goes out almost every night and buys fast food).  Yesterday I saw her and she was bringing in bag after bag of groceries.  I stood in her kitchen while she put them away.  Her refrigerator is a side-by-side and she showed me the freezer side - jam packed - couldn't get another thing in it.  The pantry was stocked for a war!  She said she went out for 2 things and ended up buying 10 bags of groceries.  My ex-husband was the same way- my daughter and her friends would shop from our panty - line after line of canned goods, cereal, pasta.  I can't imagine she's going to use the food in her freezer before it goes bad - a lot of it was wrapped in aluminum foil. 


I personally buy only what I need, that way I'm not throwing away food unnecessarily. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Are you a wasteful person?

No, we are not. We tend to grocery shop once a week. My sister and her husband shop and buy tons of groceries, they probably don't have to shop but maybe once a month and that would be just things like milk, etc........She loves to stock up when they have sales and she has coupons to save money......We do not waste food, we eat leftovers too......It is just me and my husband now so our meals usually last two days....We were taught at a young age not to be wasteful with food, and my husband came from a large family where they couldn't be wasteful......

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Re: Are you a wasteful person?

We do buy extra food/supplies in case of emergencies and sometimes it does go to waste.  I try to rotate the dates so we use the oldest first but sometimes we don’t use canned foods, only fresh, and that creates a dilemma. We've had emergencies where our food/water supply became very important.   

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Re: Are you a wasteful person?

It sounds like you are talking about food. We are not wasteful in many ways. We save ends of bread all summer long and put them in the freezer and in the winter give them to our woodland animals. DH just picked up a free TV. The owner had a gotten a flat screen and did not wnat this wonderful tv. There are so many ways to be not wasteful. 

'cuz every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man
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Re: Are you a wasteful person?

No, I'm frugal about groceries.  My freezer is crammed full of meat I buy in quantity on sale (I buy organic and lots of low fat hamburger that is excellent quality when it is on sale); I alwayls have a frozen roast or two and a few steaks so we don't have to make a trip to the store when we decide it's a day for some good beef.


I buy chicken boneless skinless breasts--the flash frozen kind in big bags. I often have a whole chicken in the freezer as well.  I have lots of home made chicken stock always because when we get a deli chicken I make stock from that.  I save backs and wings from whole chickens I cut up too for stock, and ends of carrots and onions etc. for the stock pot.


We use lots of organic canned tomatoes and I always have lots of those for soups, sauces, or to go around a pot roast.  I have whole, diced, sauce, paste, crushed and plum.  Several cans of each time.


I also have canned okra for gumbo, canned green beans for a night when you need a quick meal, and I have about every spice I need.  I use a lot of spices for Mexican, Italian, Indian or spicy dishes.


I have a small and a large bread machine so we have at least two bags of white and two bags of whole wheat flour on hand, plus a bag of double 00 pizza flour.  We make a lot of homemade pizzas too.


AND we do eat out a lot.  So I guess you sure would classify us as wasteful from what you describe above.  The freezer is stuffed, the pantry is full, we buy a lot of groceries and we eat out a lot. 


We tend to eat a full meal, not much snacking or many sandwiches for us.  

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Are you a wasteful person?

I only buy what I need.  I also try to manage the recipes I make each week so that  if I am buying an expensive ingredient or fresh herbs, I can use it all and not let it go to waste (unless I can freeze it).


I buy herb plants in the spring/summer as they will last the whole season, but in winter, the plants don't last as long, so I buy pre-cut packages.

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Re: Are you a wasteful person?

I always stock up on chicken for the freezer, as I use a ton of it . The pantry is well stocked with canned tomatoes, broth and canned beans. I grocery shop once a week to buy fresh produce and to replenish the pantry and freezer. I don't eat out much, so none of my stash goes to waste.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Are you a wasteful person?

No, I am not and if I buy lettuce, or fresh green beans, asparagus from Sam's that come in a big bag, I divide everything by 3 and make my sisters each a bag and call them to come pick it up. I hate throwing anything away, especially when many years ago there were times I had very little to eat. 

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Are you a wasteful person?

No...........but I always buy a back-up of something that is REALLY good.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Are you a wasteful person?

We try not to be.