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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

I work way to hard to send anyone money that I would not plan on giving the money to.  I never lend because with that comes hard feelings.  I had a friend and her husband that had some financial troubles and we ended up giving them a grocery store gift card to help. 


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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

Wow!  This is a sad thread!


I personally don't know of anyone who has sent money to strangers. My 91 year old mother is a very suspicious and skeptical person and realizes that most strange phone calls will be some sort of a scam.  I told her if you don't recognize the number then just don't answer.

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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

Out local news did a story recently of a local woman who got scammed.   She was a Dateline star wannabe.    Came across as so self righteous like a victim.    I would have been way too embarrassed to let myself go on TV to tell the story of how dumb I was.

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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

@chiclet I do not trust people, I have been lied to too many times.  I do not even trust family as they have been the biggest scammers and liars I have ever met!  Out is the world, NO WAY, they have tried to pull the wool over my eyes one too many times to believe what they say, especially auto mechanics, home repairmen and the list goes on.I hate the fact that I have to be on high alert all the time, but in the world today you have to be!

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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money




Your thread title question is too vague for me to answer. I give everyone the benefit of doubt, up and until they give me a reason not to do so. Relying on a person, and trusting a person, to me are complete different categories. 


As an example: I know our mailman fairly well, but only in relation to his job, and some things he likes to do in his life. I rely on him to bring our mail and packages, which he is among the best. That however does not mean I would trust him to Pet Sit our furry family for a few days.


Running every aspect of my Adult Hockey League for 52+ years, which included handing lots of $$$ and making many life changing decisions (life changing for me, losing friends) gave me decades of experiences dealing with people from all parts of our country, even other countries.


I can count on 1 hand the number of people that I "trusted" that let me down. Some having to do with $$$, others having to do with how I chose to run my Hockey League(rules etc.). 


There are very few people now in my life that I NEED to TRUST, among them are my doctors and our Veterinarian. Others?  I may rely on them, but as I previously said, that in no way, comes even close to having to trust them.





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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money



Personally, I trust animals more than most people.

Like the Marines they are always faithful.





So true!Heart


And animals never have a 'hidden' agenda or ulterior motive.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

I'm with @KingstonsMom on this topic. I trust the feathered & the furry!

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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money


I am not trusting at all.  I see these women who send money to men they met online.  I would not even pay for his dinner with him sitting across the table.   I want to be a trusting person but life has taught me to be very sceptical of someone trying to do me a favor.  I have been ripped off my auto mechanics, home repair and other things.  When someone does a good professional job at a fair price and treats me right I get emotional. 


  That's sweet.


  Those types of people are the salt of the earth.


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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

No, I am not a trusting person; never have been.  


As a small child, I used to drive my parents nuts saying “he/she gives me a creepy feeling”.    Mom and Dad thought I was just repeating a phrase I heard at school, but I avoided many people because of how they made me feel.   

That first impression was everything to me, and still is.  My gut instinct has never steered me wrong.   




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Registered: ‎10-14-2013

Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money


I am not trusting at all.  I see these women who send money to men they met online.  I would not even pay for his dinner with him sitting across the table.   I want to be a trusting person but life has taught me to be very sceptical of someone trying to do me a favor.  I have been ripped off my auto mechanics, home repair and other things.  When someone does a good professional job at a fair price and treats me right I get emotional. 

Isn't it sad and concerning that it's to this point? I think it's one reason I'm so apprehensive about having our new home built. I only know that I can trust the contractor, because he is a personal friend of my older brother. Still, so many others (subcontractors, electrictrians, plumbers, well and septic services, etc.) involved in the process - in this new area. We can try to research them, but often negative reviews and complaints have been scrubbed. 


As to sending money to strangers on the internet, or being taken in by catfishers, con artists and the like ... Not in a million years! 


I have donated to a few Go Fund Me accounts when the need was legitimately reported on the news, such as to help bury a child that was slain, or help recovery efforts for someone who lost their home to a fire or other disaster. 


I no longer even put trust in most big charities, especially those who constantly advertise or pay others to harass by phone. I give what I can to local charities where I can witness the needs being met for both humans and animals. 


When it comes to friends and family members, who truly need a hand up, I just give with no expectations of being paid back. I make it clear that it's a gift, not a loan. No hard feelings that way. If they insist on paying me back, I tell them: "No deal. It could be me in need next time and I may not ever be able to pay you back." Most agree then. 


I would help a friend or family member go to drug rehab or the like ONCE. Not bailing anyone out of jail for repeat offenses - even if it were one of my sons. So there's no way I'd help scam artists commit crimes of fraud or theft against me or others. It infuriates me how they prey upon those who perhaps can't reason as clearly as they used to.