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Re: Anyone get an email?

IT'S A SCAM.   If anyone submits all the requested information then you will have your identity stolen.  

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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

Re: Anyone get an email?

[ Edited ]

Thanks to all who responded. I guess I was the ony one who got this email, since no one responded "yes" to my question.


It is curious to me how the email had the amount, which was specific not rounded, basically correct, depending upon which simulus check I had received in the past. Interesting.

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Re: Anyone get an email?

I never have and if I did, I would wonder how they got my e-mail address.  I never gave it to them and it isn't required when I file taxes.


This would be a red flag for me.


I do get e-mail from Medicare and I have provided them with my e-mail address.  

As a precaution with all e-mail I receive, I never visit a website by using a link on the e-mail  I always manually type in the correct site address on my own.  I figure it might be spam fishing for my password.






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Posts: 12,201
Registered: ‎02-02-2015

Re: Anyone get an email?

@Carmie Good advice going to the websites. Heart

Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,510
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Anyone get an email?

@World Traveler @Take a screen shot of the email. Save this. There's probably a way to forward this to the irs so they can investigate.

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Registered: ‎06-21-2011

Re: Anyone get an email?

@World Traveler wrote:

I received an email about a third economic impact tax return being available to pick up on Sunday, October 3. I think it is a scam.


Has anyone else gotten that?


It tells you to "submit your application," with a link to do so. Pretty sure we don't have to submit an application, since it wasn't required for past payments.


And then it had a file to download, which I did not do at home. But here at work I thought I would try that, since our Technology Department is on top of things and won't let just anything get thru. Sure enough, I could not open it at work, so it must be fraudulent.


The only thing is that it told me the amount I could expect, and it was very close to what I got in the past for stimulus payments. 



I would have reported that pronto.  The other posters are right in their replies.  I hope nothing untoward happened by opening this.  NEVER click on a link in an email unless you are 100% sure of it.