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Any thoughts???

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I cannot seem to stop shopping, especially at QVC.  Constantly purchasing clothes that I DO NOT need.  I work from home, occasionally going into the office, some lite travel for work, why am I still purchasing clothes that I do not need.  And if it's something that I really like, I buy in multiple colors.  I can wear but so much. Remember we wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time, this is so true.  My closets can hold but so much.  I can't tell you how much I have donated to charity, all brand new, unworn!!!  I'm not a millionaire by any means.  I just don't understand why I can't stop.  It seems easier to pay those ridiculously high monthly bills rather than save the money, what's up with that?  I don't get it.   Anyone else suffering from the same ailment?  Maybe we can help one another.  Hope this post doesn't get zapped.  Thanks for listening.

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Re: Any thoughts???

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For some people it takes a great deal of self control not to overdo when it comes to shopping.  I, thank God have been practical and budget wise all my life.  As much as I might want something I wouldn't buy it unless my budget allowed it.


You, Snowhite 714 appear to have an addiction and if you can't control it on your own, you may have to seek professional help.  Hopefully someone on these boards can give you advice.  I wish you lots of luck in finding a way to solve the problem.  If and when you succeed I hope you let us know so we can congratulate you.

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Shopping can be addictive, just like alcohol can be addictive, just like food can be addictive, just like gambling can be addictive.



With an addict, they are usually trying to cover up pain, or to fill a void in their life.




I would suggest getting with a therapist to get to the bottom of why you are addicted to shopping.




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Find a new goal or hobby.  I started leaving all credit and debit cards at home.  Since you work from home, give them to someone to hold, a trusted person.  Put them in the freezer.  Get new numbers so the merchants will need a new number.  


Our goal is to move out of state and my DH tells me everyday, "keep your eye on the prize."  We are winning!  lol

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You have an addiction.  First step is admitting it.  You won't find any answers to deal with it here.  You need to speak with a professional to get to the bottom of it.

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@Lindsays Grandma @Anonymous032819   All good points, I'm hoping that your responses will give me the strength to cease my spending, trying to avoid the therapist route.

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Sorry to hear that you're going through this.  I also find myself buying too much...clothes that I really don't need and I also work from home.  I'll often have QVC on in the background and it's too easy to make a purchase!


I also have clothes unworn but intead of donating I sold them in a local consignment shop.  At least I made some money back.


I find that if I just don't watch QVC then I won't buy as much.  I also try to find other things to watch or listen to while working (I have an Etsy shop).  Listening to podcasts or audio books can help break the Q habit.  Like any bad habit it's easy to fall into if you don't take steps to break it.

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I'm that way with jewelry

I want everything I see

Like clothing, you can only wear so much.

I have to remove myself from the temptation.

Turn off the TV, stay out of the jewelry department, stay off internet sites.

I have hobbies & my honey-do list is as long as my arm and I don't have a honey!



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@Snowhite714   I would try to set small goals for yourself.  Go 2 days without spending any money other than groceries, or go a full a week if you can.  Stay away from temptations and focus on some sort of project, maybe cleaning out the garage, or going through your closets to see what you can return to the stores (this will take discipline...walk in, return, and then walk out.)


Maybe you can spend some time volunteering,  baking cookies, working in the yard, going through your cookbooks, exercising, etc..


If you find yourself busy with other things to do, it will make it easier to refrain from shopping.


If tempted to buy from QVC, put them into your wish list and 9 times out of 10, if you wait a few days, the temptation has passed.


You can always put them into your wish list, and then post for others on this board to talk you out of it - it may help you to decide if you really NEED the items, or just doing complusive shopping.  


I asked once about Jimmy the Bakers cinnamon rolls if they were really that good and worth ordering, and someone on this site reminded me that I could get very similar ones from the frozen foods section at my grocery store for only a few dollars for a package, and did I really need that many....I then realized that other poster saved me $50!



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That very much sounds like an addiction which is just like gambling. Addictions of such sort can become very serious if not taken seriously in time. I know that certain additions cost people their homes and lives so its not to be taken lightly. One good thing here is that you are aware of your problem so now you need to start working on it. I would advice you to stop watching Q so much. I know last year when i was constantly watching, i thought i 'needed' everything. Its very much of a trap that consumers get themselves into.


So lets take baby steps...


1) Acknowledge theres a problem.

2) Ask yourself, what is it really you're trying to fulfill within your life? Sometimes shopping becomes a therapy for something else we're struggling with in our lives.

2) When the urge comes to watch Q, distract yourself to do something else.

3) If you insist you need to watch and cannot control that, then watch but promise yourself you wont buy. 

4) Seek professional counseling and get support  


Good luck! 

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