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Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...

I always wondered - when you take a check to the bank that somone has written you, a personal check in particular, and you deposit said check into your account, how is it that the bank teller knows that the check is '''good''' that was written to you?  Can they see the check writers account? 

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Re: Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...

usually there is a delay until the check clears-  the teller should know how many days until you can access the money

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Re: Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...

Where I live the teller can access that account if it is from the same bank.  No others.  If there are not sufficient funds at that moment you will not get the money.  They make no promises about the future.  In fact, that person has written a "bad" check.  

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Re: Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...



The ONLY time a teller knows immediately IF the check is good, is IF it is written from the same bank YOU are using.


Otherwise, it takes 3-5 business days for it to totally clear.


It is possible for them to call the issuing bank, but they will not do that for normal size dollar amounts. may be good at the time of the phone call, but could turn into NSF before the check fully processes.



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Re: Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...

If you have doubts that a check is good, the best thing to do is to take it to the bank on which it is drawn and cash it.  Even if a teller at your bank is able to call the other bank and verify that it is good right now, it may not be good when it tries to clear.

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Re: Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...

When I worked retail years ago we had an automated number we could call at the bank to find out if it was in fact a legit check.    The information would also tell us if there was enough money in the account to cover the check.


I don't know if tellers used that method but we did in retail.

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Re: Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...

@Love to read Another avid reader here! As a former B of A bank teller years ago, you are spot on with your advice.

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Re: Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...

II've worked in various banking positions for 30 years over the course of my career. In the old days, it would take several days for checks to clear through the federal reserve and actually be removed from the other account, Most bank would give you partial availability to the funds....say $100 or so. The rest would take a few days to become collected.

Today, all checks are imaged and sent thru the federal reserve electronically and from there, electronically debited from the corresponding accounts. It happens overnight.


Many banks will either disallow or charge you to cash a check drawn on that bank if you are not also an account holder. It's easier to collect on a bad check deposited into an account, than to chase after a person who has walked out with the cash.....

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Re: Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...


@sarahpanda wrote:

I always wondered - when you take a check to the bank that somone has written you, a personal check in particular, and you deposit said check into your account, how is it that the bank teller knows that the check is '''good''' that was written to you?  Can they see the check writers account? 

I've never had a problem.  If their is and funds not good, they use to withdraw it out of your account.  If I did not know the person, I use to call the bank the check was drawn on and ask if those funds available.  I don't know if that can still be done.

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Re: Any 'bank tellers' out there? I always wondered...

Often, If the check is large, a hold will be placed on the funds for a few days, unless YOU have enough money in your account to cover it should the check " bounce"


If the check is drawn on the same bank where you are cashing it, the teller can check to see if the funds are there.