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Registered: ‎01-08-2011

How are you Luv?

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Posts: 20,555
Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Thinking of you too!

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Posts: 44,347
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

@Annebellethecat, I'm home today, my day off!  Gave scarf tying lessions it seems for the last two days.  One lady bought three!


I'll email you. Smiley Happy

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Posts: 30,248
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

@ECBG I'll email you later.  I'm good.  Just busy.  Four family birthday's this month and dealing with some other stuff.  Will explain in email later.


@qualitygal Thank you for thinking of me.  I've been dealing with my cat.  Ever since he had his thyroid zapped he just seems like he isn't feeling well.  He was doing better and now today is Sunday and he's acting like he doesn't feel well again.  He's eating special food and rallies but I might have to take him in again.  Every week I'm having to take him in it seems like.  Any pet family knows they become part of the family.

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Posts: 44,347
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

@Annabellethecat66,So sorry Sweetie.  I'm being concerned about Levi too.  Here he just had that $3,000 operation where 10 inches of his small intestines were removed so poison wasn't leaking out into his body, and now he has a tumor growing on the inside of the tip of his ear.  He is so much a baby, he can't stay at the vet.