Good morning friends! I think it's saturday.
I still have hot water, YEA! At my sisters house, it's still a mystery about the plumbing. Someone else coming on monday morning. He said... I guarantee that we can find the problem. That word guatantee, is a binding word as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to think about it when I don't have to. So from now on, I'll only mention any good reports.
I woke up really early this morning and think I'll go back to bed for a few more winks. I have this glorious day to myself and want to work on laundry and chores. For some reason, I'm having more energy for the past few days and It's really come in handy. There's never too much on my local tv to watch so I'm thinking that later I'll pull out a movie or two from my collection.
I wish all of you a blessed day and hope your troubles are few. Much love and Big hugs to you friends!