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 @hullie   Your hamburger sounds delicious! The only one I get now is Wendy's Jr hamburger and a frosty (free with key tag) complementary water (I squirt liquid tea in it so I don't taste chlorine) it's $2. 21 including tax. I'm certain it's not as good as yours was.
   Today after the store and watching Tony lick peanut butter out of a jar and pushing it with his nose(funny dog)! I got a taco on the way to Walmart. They are hard to eat in the car without spilling, but I don't go inside. 
     I'll check if my library has that book Black River Orchard. I get them for my I pad and always have some waiting. 
     everyone: No snow here in VA, just a shower last night while sleeping. We had our two walks early. I bought more hot suet for the birds. The blackbirds are pigs, but the bluebirds like it . 
    My son said Tony has been on a running rampage lately. He was running around and came fast from the sunroom , jumped over the end table and landed on the den couch. Then he flopped on the blanket throw and went to sleep. 
    Yesterday they delivered oil again. I requested it early so it wouldn't run out again. I had smelled a bit of oil in the garage so the mechanic checked everything and put air freshener in the tank. My house smelled like Jergins lotion, cherry almond. I opened windows awhile. He said sometimes it happens. 
     @AnikaBrodie I hope the memorial service for your friend went well. I admire you for being able to participate in those. Take care!,

     🍔 🌮 🛋️🐕💫 🛒🐦‍⬛

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Encouraging Words - Good afternoon & Evening Saturday & happy & that :-) |  Knitting and Crochet Forum

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National Drink Wine Day images. Red wine with grapes. Two glasses of red wine on a red background. American holiday. Drink Wine Day Poster, February 18. Important day

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Sunday Hugs-February 26, 2023 - The Horse Mafia

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