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29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America

[ Edited ]

Billions of birds are gone, victims of environmental changes. One can argue all sorts of things but the numbers don’t lie.

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Re: 29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America

@Vivian    It's so sad.  I read about this and similar things all the time.  It's tragic really, and so preventable.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: 29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America


" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: 29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America

@Vivian  The article I read had this as the last paragraph:


Rosenberg's study didn't go into what's making wild birds dwindle away, but he pointed to past studies that blame habitat loss, cats and windows.


In my neighborhood, where I've been living for over 65 years, I would say it's loss of habitat. Our neighborhood has gone from rural to suburban over the course of the years. More paving, building, cutting of trees, loss of fields. But, I don't know the answer. People have to go somewhere. Not sure about cats and windows, but we had a cat when I was a kid that could bring in birds, phesants and even snakes!

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Re: 29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America

Sadly, birds are also a victim of wind turbines.


I used to work for an engineering firm that designed  solar panels configuration for buildings being built. We were approached to handle wind turbines too. The engineer went and talked to a company about installing windows turbines. He told our engineer that they have to go out and clean up all the birds killed by the turbines before they take anyone to show how the turbines work.



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Re: 29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America

Modern agriculture and development and pesticides are some of the main causes.  There's an interesting article in The New York Times called "Birds Are Vanishing In North America."

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: 29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America

Wow, that's very scary.  Makes you wonder if they'll be any left in. another 50 years.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: 29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America

My local Wild Birds Unlimited ends its monthly e-newsletter with this:


"Love your birds, Love your cat, Keep your cat inside."

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Re: 29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America

I saw a program yesterday talking about how the wind turbines they are now using everywhere for energy  are killing not only many birds but  also bats. ☹️

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Re: 29% of birds gone since 1970 in North America

On a positive note, we had an Indigo Bunting at our feeder this year. First time in my life! It's not all bad.