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Does anyone have one?  I am interested in getting one but am afraid of fire. (hear salt is corrosive to wires and some have caught fire)   I saw today you can use Himalayan salt crystals in a open tart warmer and get the same effect.  Has anyone tried this?

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I would like to know more also.

I wonder if there are negative effects on pets.


@esmeraldagooch wrote:

Does anyone have one?  I am interested in getting one but am afraid of fire. (hear salt is corrosive to wires and some have caught fire)   I saw today you can use Himalayan salt crystals in a open tart warmer and get the same effect.  Has anyone tried this?


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I had one, a fairly large one, that I had in my bedroom. It was the kind that you plug into a wall outlet. It worked for a while, the air in the corner that I had it in seemed crisp and clean. One day, it started making that sound electronics make when they short out, a zapping sound. I checked the cord, etc...all seemed fine, so I only turned it on when I was in the room and never at night.
I also live in a very humid climate, during the summer it absorbed all the moisture in the air and "melted", leaving pools of goo all over my dresser. I threw it out and haven't replaced it.


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Purchased mine at Wal-Mart 7months ago. Med size use bedroom. No problems thus far. Google you'll find information. Good luck.
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I have them and yes, there is a difference in the quality.


I bought mine at a store that sells the salt rock separately by the pound and you buy the base/plug/lamp as a separate piece so you have exactly what you want.


They are not for humid areas like a bathroom or kitchen as they will melt. Mine are probably 4-5 years old, still going strong.


I first learned about them when researching theraputic salt treatment rooms. They can be beneficial if you have asthma or other breathing issues. 

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I've had one for about 5 years.  Don't use it every day but on a gloomy day, I think they help give you umph! 


You can feel a difference in the air when it is on.  I love mine!


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I don't have one of these lamps, but I saw this recall notice on the news yesterday.


I looked it up on Google and here's what I found. There are more articles there, also.


On Tuesday, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a recall on about 80,000 lamps, which are believed to have health benefits and improve your mood, due to potential shock and fire hazard risks.1 hour ago

Around 80,000 rock salt lamps have been recalled - Mashable



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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

Ironically, after I responded to your post, this came across my feed on Facebook:

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I have a small one that I plug into the USB port of my work PC. I can't say I notice any difference in the air but I do like the calming glow of it.


My co-worker has a medium size lamp and it's really beautiful.

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@Snowpuppy wrote:

I have them and yes, there is a difference in the quality.


I bought mine at a store that sells the salt rock separately by the pound and you buy the base/plug/lamp as a separate piece so you have exactly what you want.


They are not for humid areas like a bathroom or kitchen as they will melt. Mine are probably 4-5 years old, still going strong.


I first learned about them when researching theraputic salt treatment rooms. They can be beneficial if you have asthma or other breathing issues. 

Breathing problems from dirty California air is just why I wanted one.  I think I'll try the salt in my tart warmer and see if it helps.