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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Morning, more fog and drizzle here today and the snow is coming in tonight, we really need it.  We have had to cancel some annual activities here because of lack of enough snow.  I hope we don't get all of it in April.


Not sure what I"ll do today, probably the bike, my left foot is a little sore for some reason.  I think I remember dropping a piece of wood on it though so I think that's the problem with it hurting when I walk.  Not real bad but noticable. 


Iluvlucy what a nice surprise coming out of the movie to see the kids!   That's awesome!   We haven't been to a movie in a long time.   Rented Sully just to find out it wouldn't play in our player and then we realized my hubby got the blu-ray disc so no wonder it wouldn't play.  Maybe this weekend we'll get it again.


Nomless dad is doing better thanks, he has slipped though we all see it but for now his episodes are gone again.   My uncle,  his only brother, was just in the hospital with blood clots in both lungs so that was dicey for a while but he's home now and has to take it easy until those dissolve which he is receiving shots in his belly to disolve them.


I put out a spring arrangement yesterday, have to have something cheery, we've had gloom for a few days now.  Last week we had several days of sun so we have to take the good with the bad.


Have a great day everyone!





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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Good beautiful morning to my cyberfriends!  Thanks so much for your support yesterday.  The weather is supposed to be clear and dry today versus yesterday, a little overcast and drizzling off and on.  A great day to be out and about.  Overall, we've had so little snow that I'm thinking February and/or March will whip our butts.  I haven't even had the opportunity to use that snow shovel that I bought from QVC.  The 30 day return policy is over I believe. 


I'm propped up in bed here, drinking my coffee and reading and posting and feeling blessed.  How good can it get, lol.  This is my morning ritual.  I automatically wake up around 5:30, sometimes earlier and surf the tv usually listening to all the mostly bad news that's happening.  While I listen, I check my accounts.  Twice last year my credit card was compromised and I caught within hours of the fraudulent charges.  I've learned to never store my password or user name on my bank and credit card.


@Laura14, last night my Fitbit wasn't synced to the Charge 2 on two of my three iPads.  I played with them trying to connect the Charge 2 for about half an hour and no luck.  I almost decided to remove and replace but then I would have lost data for that day and I had almost 18,000 activity points and didn't want to lose them.  I decided to remove and replace it this morning when I had minimal activity on it.  But guess what?  All three iPads are connected to my Bluetooth and synced!  Go figure, lol.  Let's see how long they stay that way, lol.  I like consistency and I'm not getting that.  Also, the dashboard doesn't always show the steps that you see on your Fitbit.  It seems to catch overnight, though.  Oh, well.  I hope your problem with yours solved itself, too.


By the way, and I hope this isn't considered political but one of the ladies at my center went to the women's march.  It was very exciting for her to talk about.  I told her that I had a major question......what did they do for toilet needs.  She said that when she first got there, before it got too crowded, there were plenty of port-a-pottys.  The merchants all had signs saying no public toilet.  Later, when it got crowded, you couldn't see the toilets to get to one but she held hers.  And she's a retiree, no spring chicken, lol.    Me, I'm one of those that if I know toilets are not available, I have to go more often, lol.  Every two hours at least.  Plus, I don't like crowds.  Years ago, I was on a nonstop five hour flight and I had to go potty at least twice.  I was in the middle seat so I kept apologizing to the older lady on the end seat.  I told her that wished I had a strong bladder like hers.  She said she didn't have a strong bladder, she had Depends.  We had a good laugh.


Have a great day ladies.



“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

@Mmsfoxxie  My Charge 2 isn't synching correctly with the app either.  I finally took away the hour activity chart because it just made me mad that I wasn't getting credit.  Not getting reminders on my wrist either like I did the first day and I'm sure I should have gotten one in the morning at work.  I think I was at my desk all hour one time.    


I agree the device is catching everything but the app is all kinds of not okay with the synch.  It gave me another floor yesterday in my house and I still have no stairs.  My ONE was much more accurate with the app that this.  I'm glad I didn't pay full price.


It also didn't catch my exercise this morning.  I thought I had read that it would automatically pick that up.  It didn't so I guess I'll have to go re-read that part so it knows when I'm exercising.


The important things is it is catching my heart rate and sleep and I can manually log in my food and water which has been really nice.  It's hitting five stars on all the important stuff I care about so I'm not going to really sweat the other stuff.  I wanted to know if I was hitting a good heart rate in exercise class and between my Pound and Weight class today I had 35 minutes in fat burn so I'm good.


Speaking of the gym, the January crowd finally showed up this morning.  This is terrible but I can't wait until they all go away.  I actually had a girl drag her mat over me during the ab routine while she was packing up early.  Really people?  And the ones that set up right on top of you because they just can't seem to want to be in the open space by themselves.  One of them finally got the picture when she had no room for lunges and moved over.  Atta girl.  Give yourself and the rest of us room to move and actually do the class properly.          


Now I need to activate the breathing feature and calm down.  Smiley Happy


Have a good day! 




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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Lucy, how fun that the kids surprised you with a visit!


Foxxie and Laura, it sounds like the Fitbits are doing their job. Enjoy!


Bopper, blood clots are scary. Ihope your uncle is ok.


I started my day with a 7:30 dental appt. Ugh. Turns out the dentist was called away on an emergency. The hygienist said she didn't see anything of concern during the cleaning, but I decided to make an appt. with the dentist at another time just to be sure. I'll go back in about 3 weeks. Now am enjoying a other cup of coffee and hanging out before I go to work.

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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

We had a nippy walk today even though the temp isn't bad....that wind was crazy though along the water.  One gust knocked me sideways a couple of steps and I slammed into my! 


Saw the eagle again and got some good pictures..and a group of 9 deer.  We did 6.5 miles and it pooped us out fighting those winds, that last hill about did us in...think it was the slowest we ever did it...huffing and puffing.  


I forgot to tell you guys about the fox ordeal we had Sunday morning when the kids were here.  My son looked out the living room window and saw it...we all ran to the window all excited, then wished we hadn't as it is injured.  We called 4 places....animal control won't come here if the animal can still walk.  Don't even feel like getting into it again as it upset us all.


Just went grocery shopping.  My gf from Va Beach said she's driving up here Thursday for a visit so I thought I better run to the store today and can clean tomorrow.  Now I realize I didn't get anything for dinner that! 


I took my allergy pill this morning and I'm as stiff as can be...even my jaw.  My hip joints are aching so bad, I can't hardly stand it!  It's the strangest thing...the balls of my feet hurt while walking.  Something in it definitely attacks my old/current weird. 





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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Hello, All.  I had a good day yesterday.  I followed through on all of my workout goals.  I did a 9:30 class and a 10:30 class, each an hour long.  Went home and cooked dinner.  A couple hours later, I was at my fitness center again at 4:30.  Walked until 5:30.  I went to the lounge and played with my iPad until 6 pm which is when my line dancing started.


While playing with one of my mini iPad, I saw that both of my devices had my fitbits on it.  Great, I thought.  Got home by 7:30 and still had both devices connected.  This morning, the Charge 2 is not on it again, lol.  I give up.  It could be that my router is at fault because, at the center, my Charge 2 so far has been there.  It's fickle at home.   I did  over 20,000 steps yesterday which is the most I've ever done.  Now for me, that was hard but an acquaintance of mind says she gets in the upper teens quite often such as 16,000.


I think the extra activity hyped me up cause I barely slept last night.  Hopefully, I'll see how much on one of my iPads that has the Charge 2 on it.


Hope everyone is doing well.  Enjoy.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

@Mmsfoxxie  Congrats!!  So glad you are back at it again.  


My Fitbit obviously knew I told on it and it kept buzzing me yesterday at work to get up a few times.  I give up on the app too.  It wasn't logging in my food even after I saved it and I had to redo it.  It also said I had three minutes of activeness yesterday but I did two gym classes and had over 35 minutes of fat burn.  How does that work?  The app needs to get off the drugs and get with the actual device.  


I actually had it out with a customer too at work so I got in another good heart rate spike as well.  I am so done with this job and its idiots.


Yesterday was not a good day.  Even the tax people all of a sudden won't let me efile for free because I have an extra form for my HSA account.  Since when?  I've had the account for 4 years.  Never a problem.  Now they want $40 to file my taxes because I have to list a $1000 HSA contribution on a second form and include it with the 1040.  No way.  I am just fine going old school and writing it down myself in the two seconds it takes and mailing it in.  What is with companies these days?  Make your money off the 95% of people who have a real tax life like homes and kids.  Leave the 5% of us who do nothing other than pay extra taxes for those kids and homes alone.  You don't deserve $40 for a two second form entry.  $10 I'd think about it but $40?


Anyway, as you can see I need a vacation.  I just made plans with my mom for March so I will be getting away.  The weather is supposed to be clear but cold this weekend so I think I may finally be able to revisit my park.  I need nature in a big way.  You all are very lucky you have the time and access to get to it as often as you do.  


Have a great Wednesday!







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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

I'm sad about the injured fox Lucy saw. 😔


You guys are having quite a time with your Fitbits. Glad you have vacation plans, Laura. Match will soon be here.


Hi, Bopper, I can't remember what you wrote last, sorry. I hope you had a good day.


Today is my day off. My favorite day, lol. I got my hair cut and did some reading. I'm excited about tonight's 2-hour Hunted episode. Hope it's good.

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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Morning everyone!  Had to cancel with my gf from Va Beach driving up to see me. Smiley Sad  In another flare and I look hideous...and of course it makes me feel bad all over...then tired from itching the hives all night.


Yesterday was a good work-out day though.  Did 8-miles power-walking and running(my gf even ran with me a ways and went really fast!), and upper body.  Did some Plyo and stretching as good as I could with all this stiffness and joint aches. 


Well, nomless, it was not good.  One reason I didn't go into detail, it's very sad and upsetting. 


Not sure what today holds....maybe just ride my bike during an "up" peak.  Time will tell...always hate to take off in case I get worse.  But haven't had a day off in a long time so I go back and forth.  I mean if this is going to be my life, I can't just stop working out...ay.


Have a great day everyone!   

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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Morning, it's colder today and lightly snowing, making slippery conditions.   I worked out on the treadmill and then did some with Tony Little's Body Bar and the Urban Rebounder.  I was on the inversion table and hanging totally straight down and Logan is right under my head,,,I mean he was touching me.   Then I go upstairs to stretch and he's laying his head on my chest, face to face!   Love him!   I thought he had to go potty so head outside and nope, has to eat snow.   He's something, he won't drink his water in the house, he prefers to eat snow.


Iluvlucy I think about that fox a lot too and hope you don't see it again, its too disturbing.  I'm so sorry you are in a flare again and had to cancel your gf's trip up to see you.  


nomless I forget all the time what people say Hahaha.    I think I may order the Vionic insoles for my shoes.  My big toe joint hurts when I walk and hubby thinks my feet are pretty flat.  Maybe they will help, I really don't know. 


Laura it is tax time once again, it's a pain in the butt!   Glad you like your fitbit!  My granddaughter who is 11 is competing with me.   She's so cute, she's in school all day but yesterday she had over 11,000 steps in.  I think that's great, kids need to be kids and be active and not on computers all the time.  


SanFran girl are you gearing up for the marathon?  Lots of rain there?


Judy are you still here?


Cater are you reading, you can say hi, don't need to feel you have to report a workout.


Well better shower, have a great day everyone!