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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

nomless, it's not the house we're living's our house that we lived in before and have rented out for the past 9 years. We know we want to retire by the kids so we might as well try and sell it now since the renters are moving out. Even though the spring would have been so much better! But, yes, it's going to be a big job. My fleece pj's don't shed at all! I wore them out looking at Christmas lights last!{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

Today is a busy day, I'm waiting until 7 to go for my run because dh is still sleeping and he needs it. I'll wake him up getting dressed and ready to go...I should have laid everything out last night when I thought about it but then forgot.

We watched Lone Survivor last night...not a good movie to watch before bed. Had me all wound up and it's a hard one for dh since he knew 4 of the guys and was stationed at that same compound when he was over there.

31* again this morning...have the fireplace on. We have frost but no snow.{#emotions_dlg.sad}

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

I forgot to mention OkeyDokey....I hope you're not under the weather since you haven't been around in a couple of days!

I'm so tired all of a sudden, I was starving after church too...couldn't fill myself up...ugh. Had a decent run this morning by myself, then I took Lucy out for a quick run...DH said she carried on the entire time I was gone because she knew I was going without her.

Anyway, I ruined the purpose of that with everything I ate for lunch!{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes} I sure have a healthy appetite, no denying that!{#emotions_dlg.blush}

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

We all have a nasty cold here! The temps have warmed today, and it seems to make it all the more miserable. Smiley Sad I'm really wanting to get my walk in, but it is going to be at least another 24 hrs.

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hey all, nice Sunday Funday here with my GD....she spent the weekend and we made a Gingerbread house, went swimming at the Y, and played outside. She's writing a book on her laptop *which she bought herself* Smiley Happy and she's only 9....she has over 1200 words so far...*grandma bragging rights {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

My Lions won,,,,got a little scary but they won and we are in 1st place over the Packers! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Okie dokie hope you feel better....just take it slow

Pppmint nothing wrong with a healthy appetite ....glad you had a nice weekend too.

Nomless hope you have a good week ahead....

Have a great rest of your night!

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

I have today off work. It will be a quiet day, I was busy yesterday doing cooking and laundry. Washed the fleece sets a couple of times hoping to stop the lint. Patty, at least you don't have to pack and move again. It sounds like the time is right to get rid of the other place. Okey, I hope you're feeling better. Bopper, DGD is a talented and resourceful kid. How cool she's already learning the value of saving $$ and budgeting for things she'd like to have. I'm going to run to Target and the bank this morning, then will do a workout, then hope to read the rest of the day. Hope it's a good week for all.
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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Morning, almost raining here this morning..snow tomorrow.

Just did 45 minutes on the need to shower and start vacuuming.

Nomless enjoy your day off. I 'm glad you have it off...

Pppmint are you off and running, literally? {#emotions_dlg.laugh}Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

FUTURE another week, but it goes fast....hope you have a great day.

Okie dokie are you feeling any better? I sure hope so....take it slow..

Oops phone,,,have a good day all!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

It's Monday again!

No bopper, today wasn't a "running" day...I'm trying to listen and not go every day. I did a HIIT circuit alternating weights with 25 JJ's...25 shoulder-presses, 25 burpees...25 flies, 50 jump-ropes...25 tricep dips, etc. Then ran 1-mile with Lucy and walked 4-miles while talking to my gf on the phone. this point, we're just praying the house isn't trashed. We do the walk-through at 1. Going to be a lot of yard-work, painting, carpet, tearing down some wall-paper in the master bath, cleaning, etc. DH is very busy at work and has been traveling a lot, just not a good time really but we didn't have a choice in the matter. If nothing else, we'll try and rent it out again...I'm only willing to pay mortgage and rent for a few months. Enjoy your time off!

Okay...I hope you're feeling well!!

bopper...glad you had fun with your gd!

FUTURE...hope you're hanging in there.

Going to vacuum out my van and clean it since we unloaded all the Christmas donations for the thrift store, then shower and head down to the house. It's about 40 minutes away from where we live now which doesn't make it very convenient to just pop-in and paint a wall or mulch a landscaping bed.{#emotions_dlg.glare}

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hi, all! Happy Monday. Smiley Wink Let's see.... Work (of course), grocery store (I'm making stuff for every thing we go to this week), had to go get a big planter for a tree and a few other things, laundry, straightening up around the house, dishes, and 30 minutes of Pilates. I'm glad I packed that in there. I would've liked to have done more, but I've got to get to making my food before we leave in a while. Hopefully I can do more tmrw, and maybe a walk or something! Hope you all have a nice night!
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hey everyone....quick drive-thru, have to shower and head to my ultra-sound, then have some errands to run and things to take care of. House was a mess, going to be a lot of work, time, and money...overwhelming to say the least.

I hit the pavement hard this in 8 miles, and did legs and biceps. Tomorrow is racquetball and boxing so I hope my legs aren't too sore.

Hope everyone is having a great week! I'm scarfing down eggs and turkey sausage as I type...I made a mess on the keyboard which drives dh up the!{#emotions_dlg.unsure}

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hi, everyone. Today is cardio day for me. I'll get it done after work.

Future, it sounds like you have another crazy busy week ahead of you. Have fun!

Patty, it's a shame the house will need a lot of work...and that's it's somewhat far away, making it difficult to do a quick check on how things are going with it. Just hold on to the thought that once it's sold, you'll have one less thing to think about.

The past few days here have been unseasonably warm, in the upper 50's. Now we're back in the 20's and it's dark and gloomy, but no snow!

I'm going to have Christmas dinner with a friend. I offered to bring dessert or something, but she refused. Today at lunch I went looking for a hostess gift and saw the cutest little fragrance stick thingie. It's a folk-art-style owl with 12 fragrance reeds. I think it will be OK as a hostess gift, don't you? I think the owl is's done in soft brown and light beige tones, very neutral. I thought it could go in the kitchen or a powder room. Do you think it's OK for a hostess gift? I looked for a picture, but I can't find one.

I keep seeing that FitBit commercial that I like. I still like it, it makes me laugh. I hope you guys get to see it.'s on YouTube here ... except this one is a tad different at the end (whoa fit and the next version has whoa fit only).

ETA....I just noticed another funny bit in the FitBit commercial....the "yikes fit".