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Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned

I changed my pillow case and have a new one lined up for every day this week to change every day.


I washed or wiped down with anti-bacterial wipes some of my glasses and readers.  I've got a whole pile in the car to do tomorrow.


Changed my face towel and will use a new one every time I wash my face this week.


I tossed a fair amount of my makeup.  I go all the way under my eye with my foundation and I swipe my blush across my eyes, so I infected just about everything I have. 


I tossed all of the bottles of eye drops I was using (including my prescription Lastacaft that I just had filled 2 weeks ago).  


I've been reading various places online to make sure I get everything.  I don't want to re-infect myself.


Thanks for your help.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned

Make sure you keep your hands out of your rubbing your eye.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned

That's too bad!  Wash your brushes really well...Including sanitizing the handles of them with alcohol wipes.  You probably touched your eyes and them grabbed your makeup brush or toothbrush...toss the toothbrush and toothpaste tubes and anything you likely touched at night after applying your eye creams...


 Do you feel like your actual blushes came near your eye, or just the brush you used to apply it?  And do you touch the eye dropper to your eye, or just allow the drops to "fall" into your eye.  I probably personally would not have tossed eye drops because I do not touch them to my eye or with my finger, but it can't hurt.... 


With the foundation, if you are squirting a little into a brush and then applying it, the foundation itself should be safe, it's just the brush that has been contaminated.  I personally would think long and hard before tossing the blushes and foundation, but you know best what came into contact with your eyes.   I would make sure to use antibacterial wipes on your telephone, cell phone, computer keyboard... Places that you have "touched".  It's a real pain. I haven't had it in a couple of decades but my kids got it when they were little and we had to sanitize everything.  Not a bad thing to do, but a pain when you HAVE to!  

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Re: Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned

[ Edited ]

@VaBelle35. Awwwww well that s&$#s.  Sounds like you have it covered.  I think maybe alcohol on your make up brushes too?  I don't completely trust the antibacterial wipes unless it's just my hands.  Is there any way to get the eye drops in another container and use a dropper since it's new?  So sorry it happened to you!!  I haven't had it since high school but remember that it hurt kinda.  Are you gonna see a Dr.?  I vaguely remember an ointment or drops .  Good luck and hope it is a quick one!;


ETA @Mrsq2022 and I must have been typing at the same time so I will add.....Yeah what she said. LOL

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Re: Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned

What type of pinkeye is it?


Bacterial, VIrual?  Those are contagious.

Allergic, Chemical pinkeye?   Not contagious.


If I ever get pinkeye, it's due to allergies....and since its not contagious, I never have to throw anything away.   Gone in a couple days. 


What did the doctor say?

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Re: Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned

Thanks Sue


I went to the Target Clinic this morning because my eyes were still really red but there were no allergens or mold in my area the last 2 days.  I figured when I woke up and they were as red as they were when I went to bed, that something else was going on besides allergies.

I didn't have any of the other classic symptoms, so I just thought it was allergies all this time.  So I've infected everything around me (and every one around me).


I threw out my makeup and brushes.  I have so many BE brushes in my stash, it didn't make sense to try to save them.  I have 3 favorites that I need to replace, other than that, I will be fine with the other 100 I have.  LOL


I think the liquid inside the bottle gets contaminated, it's not just the bottle, so I don't want to chance trying to save the Rx.  Walgreens said they can request an override from the insurance company since I just had it filled.  They won't fill it sooner than 30 days, but they will explain the situation and will get the override.


I'm going into my office tomorrow with my Costco-size Clorox Wipes and disinfecting my office and then coming home.  I am in HR and tomorrow I have to do New Hire Orientation.  I can't switch with anyone because I am subbing tomorrow because everyone else is either on vacation or doing New Hire Orientation in another building.


I don't look too bad, so I think if I wear my glasses, I'll be okay.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned

@sidsmom wrote:

What type of pinkeye is it?


Bacterial, VIrual?  Those are contagious.

Allergic, Chemical pinkeye?   Not contagious.


If I ever get pinkeye, it's due to allergies....and since its not contagious, I never have to throw anything away.   Gone in a couple days. 


What did the doctor say?

They don't know.  It is most likely due to allergies because that's what I thought it was all this time, (it could also be chemical as I did splash my eyes when I was treating my garden a few weeks ago) but to be safe we're going with contagious.


They didn't do a lab test.  If it doesn't go away, I will go back to my eye doctor for a follow up.  I have a regular physical on the 16th, too.


QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned

[ Edited ]

@CAshopper2011 wrote:

That's too bad!  Wash your brushes really well...Including sanitizing the handles of them with alcohol wipes.  You probably touched your eyes and them grabbed your makeup brush or toothbrush...toss the toothbrush and toothpaste tubes and anything you likely touched at night after applying your eye creams...


 Do you feel like your actual blushes came near your eye, or just the brush you used to apply it?  And do you touch the eye dropper to your eye, or just allow the drops to "fall" into your eye.  I probably personally would not have tossed eye drops because I do not touch them to my eye or with my finger, but it can't hurt.... 


With the foundation, if you are squirting a little into a brush and then applying it, the foundation itself should be safe, it's just the brush that has been contaminated.  I personally would think long and hard before tossing the blushes and foundation, but you know best what came into contact with your eyes.   I would make sure to use antibacterial wipes on your telephone, cell phone, computer keyboard... Places that you have "touched".  It's a real pain. I haven't had it in a couple of decades but my kids got it when they were little and we had to sanitize everything.  Not a bad thing to do, but a pain when you HAVE to!  

I didn't think about the phones or the toothbrushes.  It's almost time for me to switch my Sonicare brush out anyway.


I'm pretty sure I put that Lastacaft bottle right to my eye.  It is such a tiny bottle and I miss more than I hit and at $160 a bottle, I want to make sure I get it in there.  


My liquid foundations are fine (I did toss the samples jars I was using because I was dipping the brush and the sponge in those to get around my eye), the main jar hasn't been opened yet.  I've been using those samples and my READY foundation since I returned from my trip on July 25th.  With the READY I dip the brush in and I take the brush all the way up to my eye.  In fact today, I used it on my eyelid because my eyes were so red I was trying to make it look better.  LOL



QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned

@Mmsfoxxie wrote:

Make sure you keep your hands out of your rubbing your eye.

Easier said than done.  For a few days I was thinking maybe I was rubbing them in my sleep and that's why I was waking up with red eyes.


I was in the ULTIMATE denial.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Pink Eye = Tell me if I missed anything that needs to be tossed out or cleaned


@VaBelle35 , in addition to taking every precaution and seeing your doctor, I wanted to suggest that you take a triple dosage of Andrew Lessman's Ultimate Eye Support (6 capsules) with some Omega-3 liquid. The take a double dose of it for at least a week. 


No I haven't gone over the deep end and I don't think supplements are a reasonable alternative for a doctor's visit, etc. I just happen to have a Procaps supplements story (one of many... which is why I'm a Procaps girl *s*)...


A few years back, I got a horrible eye infection. But it wasn't pink eye. But it looked like pink eye. And three months and five eye doctors later I still looked like I had pink eye. And the last eye doctor I saw had the nerve to tell me that I might have to live with this condition forever and that I should just soak my eyes with a warm washcloth every night.  didn't know what to do, etc. 


While this was going on, they were tearing half of my large apartment building apart (for 2 and a half years... all sorts of violations... don't get me started). I never get sick and I was sick for all of January and February. In retrospect, clearly the building construction was the culprit. 


Well, during this time, I had ordered Andrew's Ultimate Eye Support for the first time. I was going to be playing tennis that spring and I wanted extra protection for my eyes. On the day it came, I was working on a project in my apartment all day. For some reason, I was obsessed with getting the package but I was too busy to go downstairs and pick it up. I went to bed late and couldn't get to sleep. At 3am, I finally gave in, went downstairs and picked up the package. I took two capsules with some Omega-3 -- I had already taken my Elite vitamins earlier -- and then my body told me it wanted more. Yes, it's strange, but I've gotten used to my body being insistent... and it's always right. So I took two more capsules with Omega-3 and waited for my body to mouth off again. Nothing. After three minutes, I told my body that unless there was something else pressing, that I was going to go back to sleep. 


At 8:30am (5 hours later), I wandered into the bathroom and happened to look in the mirror. The reds of my eyes were completely white... like the whites of the eyes are supposed to be. 


I had not purchased the Ultimate Eye Support to cure this redness. It had never even occurred to me that this was a possibility that this could happen. But it did. And I've had other crazy good unexpected results from using Andrew's supplements which is why I'm a Procaps Labs for life kind of girl. 


VaBelle, normally I wouldn't share this kind of a story on a MB because I'm aware that it's a bit "out there", but I wanted you to know why I was making this suggestions. 


Best of luck!!! 


-- bebe Smiley Happy