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@Kachina624 wrote:

@fairydogmother.  Except for the Thailand thing,  I have all the same problems and have been using a cane everywhere but home for quite a number of years.  I really don't think anyone notices or cares.

I think when use of a walking aide is new to you, it looms large, representing a turning point in your life, a new normal that maybe you never expected. In fact I used it today and felt much more secure. And as you said, ppl don't notice or care. They have their own concerns. 

Harmonize the World
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@chrystaltree wrote:

My first question is, should you be driving with if you have episodes of lightheadedness?  I stopped driving when I was on a pain med that made me a little dizzy.  It was just for a few months and then I was taken off it.  As for the cane.  I use one when I go out and have for a few years.  It was a tad embarrassing at first because I was only in my late 50s.  It's not embarrassing now.  I need it and prevents falls.  Falling is embarrassing!  I have some balance issues.  PT didn't help.  I did have a tkr in one knee 6 years ago but knee is strong, stable, pain free.  My balance issues is an unknown and I'm not worrying about it anymore.  I use anything available that lets me get out and live my life.  I have a tomato that has a seat that I have used at amusement parks and fairs.  I have a wardrobe of canes.  I have floral, red, blue and a black all terrain cane.  Two have a headlight and a safety horn.  I'm just living my life.  Yesterday I went to the shop for my manicure.  I was a little concerned.  I was at the first station and the sink for hand washing was wayyyyy down the back. I would have to weave my way past the girls doing pedicures.  Me and my cane.  I worried about falling.  But the guy who owns the place, had the perfect solution.  He rolled me in the chair down to an empty pedicure station and used the hose to rinse off my hands and then he rolled me back.  I was so relieved.   


I like how you've incorporated canes into your life as accessories. Today i bought a red one 🥰  what a cute story about the nail salon!  re: the lightheaded issue, it mainly happens when I stand up from sitting. No issues when I drive but that was an excellent point, one that I'll keep in mind. 

Harmonize the World
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@NEvans2 Aw, thank you!

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You have been through so much.I am sad because some of it was unnecessary and should not have happened.

Read another of your posts, and gut problem. I hope you continue to get well and feel better. You surely deserve it! And, so glad to hear you now have the right meds for you intestinal problem.

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Yes, have to keep on keeping on.  I use a grocery cart too, for balance and standing.  It's ok.  Beats falling!!!!

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@fairydogmother  Bless you for all you have been through.  Thank goodness they found something to help your gastro problems.  Small triumphs and wins!  I've had to use a cane when my back was going through issues and I have kept my 2 canes.  It was weird at first but once I realized the actual confidence I had with it as opposed to without it to lean on I no longer felt uncomfortable using it.  You are so strong to go through so many surgeries on your knees.  

     With so many different conditions that may require a cane I truly think it's no longer as big a deal as it was years ago.  Stand tall, you are a survivor, and I'll pray God continues to help you heal and get stronger.  

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Knee replacements can last a long time. Mine from 1993 is still going strong thirty years later. It was "warranted" for ten to fifteen years, but the surgeons expected it to last more like twenty. It had its thirtieth birthday back in December. Getting the right surgeon is a big key. 

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You rock that pretty purple and blue floral cane and I hope you start feeling better! Woman Wink




"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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@GingerHead wrote:




You rock that pretty purple and blue floral cane and I hope you start feeling better! Woman Wink




thanks I am much better! Feeling normal on this beautiful Florida day. My cane got two "sisters" yesterday lol, a red one and a rose gold color w silver engraved pattern. Oh my, what have I started. 😉😁

Harmonize the World
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@fairydogmother wrote:


@GingerHead wrote:




You rock that pretty purple and blue floral cane and I hope you start feeling better! Woman Wink




thanks I am much better! Feeling normal on this beautiful Florida day. My cane got two "sisters" yesterday lol, a red one and a rose gold color w silver engraved pattern. Oh my, what have I started. 😉😁



Nice! I love it!  

It's called "color therapy" right? haha. 

I'm a huge proponent of this type of therapy myself.Smiley Happy




"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz