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I hope you get better soon. Keep working with your doctor and an orthopedic surgeon. Yes, indeed, life changes on a dime.


Do you have a support type sleeve to wear on your knee? I wore one for a long time and it helped....before I qualified for insurance to have a knee replacement.


Have you had injections in your knee? The kind I had were available every 3 months. 


I also had to use a cane for a long time because of a bad knee which affected ankles and hips. I fought it for a long time but finally gave in. I didn't want to feel so old.


I finally got a knee replacement in December. It's so nice not have constant pain. Even my ankles and hips feel better. I'm curious why you had 4 knee replacements.


Take care.




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Once you get used to having the cane and the placard I think you will be glad that they help you get around better and more safely. Congratulations on your desire to move forward with style and grace.

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Another option is jeti poles for stability, they are comfortable to walk with and keep you upright.  I read about them from Bopper and ordered a set and love them. 


Jetti Poles

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@fairydogmother   May I ask why you still have such terrible knee pain following 3 replacements?  I am at the crossroads of having my first TKR due to osteoarthritis. I know the recovery is brutal and, although I'm in very little pain right now, I've developed a knock knee and balance issues that make walking difficult. Don't know if the replacement will help solve those problems. 

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@fairydogmother  No shame in doing what you need to do to stay safe.

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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:




Ancient Chinese Proverb:


It's better to have cane and not need it than to fall because of no cane in your hand.


Woman Happy

haha that's funny and true 😁

Harmonize the World
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little update to answer some questions. Also to thank you guys for lifting me up. These boards can be so hateful sometimes, but you have encouraged me with your kindness and sweet natures. 
Why four knee surgeries? I was born with defects in both knees resulting in chronic dislocation. Since childhood. My right knee would suddenly and random dilocate. Horrible pain. In my mid twenties I'd had enough so surgery number one corrected the problem. I knew that in my later years, that joint would be much more prone to osteoarthritis because of the surgery. Which happened. So, full replacement in 2015. That one failed within five years. We moved to Florida. Next surgeon said it had been done wrong and he replaced it. That was also wrong from the getgo. I could literally feel the spiky portion that was drilled into my tibia moving around with every excruciating step. Dr was dismissive and arrogant. "You'll be fine" over and over. Finally I decided to get a second opinion. That Dr took X-rays and immediately saw the problem- distal portion of implant was loose and yes it was moving I did my leg bone with any wt bearing or movement. Six hour surgery and what I called a brand new NASA level replacement implant. Has been working fine. But as he called it, a very complicated proceedure due to so much going on in the joint from previous surgeries. Someone here suggested a brace- good idea I hadn't thought of. 

Harmonize the World
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one last update, the gastrointestinal infection seems to be, dare I speak it out loud, resolved. No diarrhea today. No nausea or vomiting or fever in several days. I feel SO MUCH BETTER. Thank you Lord. 

Harmonize the World
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I bought a Campbell Cane. It used to be here on QVC, but they are sold now on Amazon. It looks more like a walking stick.


I can't tell you how much this helps me on days when my knees are bothering me. It also helps with my balance when I am walking outdoors on uneven ground.


I have 6 friends my age (67) who said they wouldn't use a cane and wonder why using mine doesn't make me "feel Old". Well, guess what.....each of them have taken falls and broken wrists, arms ankles and one lady friend got a concussion on top of it.


I would rather use my "stick" then EMBARRASS myself by falling and then miss out on things because I have to heal from broken bones.

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@fairydogmother  Shoot, I'm 76 today and have been using a cane, due to arthritis in both knees, for some years AND have had a disabled parking card for just as long.


I'm not the least bit embarrassed about it. This stuff happens. I like being able to park thisclose to the entrance to Safeway and I can't go outside without my pretty cane, which is swirl of black and shades of blue.