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Just had a strange phone call......

Just had Walgreen's call me.  It's my pharmacy and where I pick up my meds.  A lady asked me if it was me.... yes.... was I diabetic?  Yes (they would only have to look at my account and see my diabetes meds).  Asked about taking a Statin, because as I probably know, Diabetics have more of a problem with cardiac issues, and did I take a statin?  No.... and why am I discussing this with you and not my doctor??  


She said because Walgreens has a new program regarding asking me about a Statin and then calling my doctor and arranging one for me from the doctor.  What?  Also, new meds for my Diabetes could be arranged ... again, what???


Really?  I am furious.  I discuss my health and my medications with my DOCTOR.  I have a severe reaction to Statins and have tried (like a good trooper) two or three of them.  I was on the first one for 18 months and lost some muscle strength in both legs as well as painful electrical type feelings before I understood what was causing it! Each time I tried a new one, the electrical spasms start, last time in only three days.  My doctor knows this.  Does Walgreen's need to know this?  If they do, why do they need to get involved in the recommendation of new prescriptions (they aren't doctors) and is it even legal??


The Walgreen's lady she said she would make a "notation" in my file to reflect this fact.... ! 


I know this is my Pharmacy and they are privy to my medical prescriptions but I'm very angry about this convoluted intrusion and am considering going to another pharmacy.


Meanwhile, if you are called, I'd recommend questioning them. 

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Re: Just had a strange phone call......

Wow, I'd have a long talk with my Dr, to make sure you are on the same page, and definitely change pharmacy.  I also have Walgreens, they seem to be on every corner,but there are other fish in the sea.


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Re: Just had a strange phone call......

WOW!  That is really overstepping in my opinion.  They sound like drug pushers!  But I am not a fan of my local Walgreens and stopped going there years ago.


You are much nicer than I would have been. 

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Re: Just had a strange phone call......

@Q4u - I'll echo WOW, I know pharmcists are trained to look at the med's you are taking and warn you of any possible reactions between them, or how to take them, but I didn't know they were going to start recommending different medicines or add'l medicines.  This is so wrong - I only take a BP pill, and this is the second one I have tried, and it isn't working.  My doctor knows this, I wouldn't want Walgreens to start recommending another.  I'm sure you will talk with your doctor and let him or her know what Walgreens is doing.  Maybe a wise word from the doctor will set them straight.  PS, how do you even know if the person calling is a trained pharmacist or some clerk that works in the pharmacy checking out people.

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Re: Just had a strange phone call......

@Q4u Wow, would not have appreciated that intrusion at all.


Our previous supplemental to cover prescriptions was associated in some way w/Target & we got a similar call from them again asking questions & making assumptions - that's why we no longer use that specific supplemental, lol.







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Re: Just had a strange phone call......

@Q4u Like all businesses they are eager to make more money.  If they can get you on a new Rx then so much the better for them!


I would be very annoyed too!

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Re: Just had a strange phone call......

It may not have been the actual pharmacy but someone spoofing them. I have called my local Walgreen's thinking I was speaking to someone in the store only to find out it was a representative in a remote location/call center who had to transfer my call to the actual store to help me. I've also received calls from Walgreen's claiming to be working on behalf of my insurance company wanting to review my medications. I get many 3rd party/spam calls from people claiming to be from my insurance company wanting to review my medications. Well, my insurance company knows what and how much my prescriptions are and their cost. There is no need to call me to review them. I do that with my physicians. If there is a problem with availability they will let me know by mail.  I just don't answer my phone unless I am expecting a call from someone now. It's a shame what is being done to people now.

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Re: Just had a strange phone call......

I personally would never have answered any questions. Unless they're calling about a recall on something I've gotten there, I wouldn't entertain a conversation.

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Re: Just had a strange phone call......

Some pharmacies take a more active roll in reviewing your drugs.


I have been in programs for either ornery or complex cases and get calls and onsite counseling.


Fine with me.

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Re: Just had a strange phone call......

Dont forget that the Pharmacist knows more about medications than the Dr. I´ve had my Pharmacist call and question my Dr about something he prescribed and he had no problem changing it because it would have affected me very badly, and this is a Dr that I had been going to for years.


That´s why all medications should be filled at the same Pharmacy.