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Registered: ‎09-03-2012

Has anyone had Brachioplasty?

I'm considering having surgery to reduce my upper arms. Large arms run in my family and I haven't worn short sleeves in about 25 years. I'm 53. I dread another miserable summer. 


I'd appreciate any info. How was your experience? Do you like the result? Cost? 

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Registered: ‎03-22-2010

Re: Has anyone had Brachioplasty?

I had one a year and a half ago. I had 6 inches taken off the diameter of each. It was done in two surguries. The first was a 3 hour liposuction; very painful and messy. My arms were bandaged for weeks and water was constantly pouring out of them. That is normal with lipo healing. My arms deflated without all of the fat in them for 3 months, and then another surgury to remove the skin. That surgury took 8 hours. I was sent home the same day with bandages, compression sleeves and drains in each arm. It didnt hurt as bad as the lipo did. Ihad the drains out in 3 weeks and wore the sleeves alot for 2 months.

I chose to have the scar on the back of my arms because it heals better there. I do hair and thought the bicep or front would flex too much during healing. I wish the scar was more hidden because it still is wide and light colored. 

Having smaller arms has been beyond satisfying for me. I can wear so much more and just raising my arms is so much lighter. I look thinner and less matronly. I am 52.

Insurance does not cover these procedures; i paid $10,000 out of pocket. I have saved for this for decades knowing what my grandmother looked like and i knew they would get worse. 

My arms got big when i hit puberty and stayed no matter weight or clothes size and no exercise helped. 

Brachioplasty for me was the best decision i have ever made along with a prior breast reduction.

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Posts: 293
Registered: ‎09-03-2012

Re: Has anyone had Brachioplasty?

Wow, thank you so much for all the information. I had no idea it might be done in two surgeries. I think I would need about 3 inches of diameter removed. 


I know what you mean about feeling like you looked matronly. I see pictures of myself and large arms and bust are a bad combination. Even when I was very thin, my arms were ghastly. I worked out 6 days a week and still had to hide them. 


I'm glad to hear you are happy with the result. I can't wait to go for a consultation and get the process started. 

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Re: Has anyone had Brachioplasty?

After I lost 170lbs many years ago, I considered it.  My arms remained large, not just  matter of hanging skin, large.  I saw 3 plastic surgeons and decided against the surgery.  The surgery would have resulted in a huge scar on the back of both arms and for me that meant, I still would not have been able to go sleeveless.  Secondly, my arms were a cosmetic problem for me but not so large that they prevented me from wearing any type of sleeve I wanted to wear.  One surgeon asked me about my mom's arms and that threw for a loop because my mom (who was never severely overweight) had large upper arms.  She always wore sleeves.  That doctor thought my arms were normal for me based on genetics and suggested I come back to him in two years if I still wanted surgery.  Smart man.  He knew that I just needed to gain some perspective and to accept my less than perfect arms.  I still don't like them, I still don't go sleevless but now I'm okay with it.  The scars would have bothered me much, much more than the girth of my arms. 

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Re: Has anyone had Brachioplasty?

There's a plus size model on QVC, I'm pretty sure her name is Maria, she has black hair. Sometimes she has modeled clothes that show a few inches of her upper arms just above the elbow and I've noticed scars on the back of both arms when she turns. I've often wondered if that's what they're from.

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Registered: ‎09-03-2012

Re: Has anyone had Brachioplasty?

Thank you for your responses. I think I will be ok with the scars. I have fair skin so I'm hoping for the best. 

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,104
Registered: ‎09-12-2010

Re: Has anyone had Brachioplasty?

Thanks for this interesting post.  I've never heard of this.  Good luck on this procedure.