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Re: Disability due to bad knees?

On 12/26/2014 happy housewife said:

john and others - I think there are many people , like me , who were on workman's comp and will never be able to return to their job. Could they do some job - probably but SS takes into consideration what other jobs you may be qualified to do and if you would be able to do them. Also they consider your age - would anyone be willing to hire a person who is 58 years old and has a history of having cancer twice and multiple orthopedic issues as I did. They look at the total picture - not just the one issue. in my case workman's comp said they would provide me with an attorney to help me apply - as soon as the attorney saw my MRI report he asked SS for an "expedited review" and within a week it was awarded. Not only was the injury I applied with considered but also that I was scheduled to go in for ankle surgery that was going to put me in a wheelchair for 5 months and after that I would need extensive rehab.And my age and the economy - it was 2008 and the economy was crashing all over the country.

Before you judge others there are many factors in someone else's life that you are most likely not aware of - and are not your business either. I am sure there is fraud in SSD but it is not for you or anyone else to judge others because you don't have any idea why they were awarded and someone else was not.

So many people in this country are so worried that someone is getting something that they are not. Sheesh.

@ happy housewife, Thanks for the feedback. As I said in post #5, being "handicapped" was not part of my life plan. {#emotions_dlg.sad}


Oh yes! Another reason Y I was trying so hard to keep the job I have -- I never seen any jobs ads that say, "seeking 65 yr. old women with lots of work experience". {#emotions_dlg.angry}

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: Disability due to bad knees?

On 12/26/2014 rina33 said:
On 12/26/2014 hckynut said:

This may get this post "poofed", but I have had many of my threads poofed for a whole lot less by something someone said or something I said in response.

@ hckynut - You didn't say anything "wrong". It's your opinion, and you have a right to your opinion. I read the rules above and they scared me because I AM over 60. I have a difficult time walking all day and fear I might have to stop working. I've been off work a little over 2 months and I'm starting to get anxiety attacks (because becoming "crippled" was not in my life plans). I'm having a hard time visualizing myself as "disabled", but with my arthritis, back & knee injuries, I really can't keep up at the pace I was going before. Sadly, I might just have to retire ... something I wasn't planning to do until I was on my "last leg". Unfortunately, I'm feeling as if I am on my "last leg". {#emotions_dlg.sad}

rina - they will take your total condition into consideration - also there is a temporary SSD you can get that just helps you while you are recovering from say - knee replacements. If I were you i would ask my doctor and speak to a SS attorney. I used Binder & Binder and they were great.I was referred to them by workman's comp and they were very easy to deal with. And they did my entire claim without me ever having to go see them - all on the phone and mail , faxes etc. They even dealt with the doctor's offices and hospitals to get all my necessary tests etc.You don't pay them anything unless they win your case so they won't take on a case they don't feel can win.

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Re: Disability due to bad knees?

On 12/26/2014 rina33 said:
On 12/26/2014 happy housewife said:

john and others - I think there are many people , like me , who were on workman's comp and will never be able to return to their job. Could they do some job - probably but SS takes into consideration what other jobs you may be qualified to do and if you would be able to do them. Also they consider your age - would anyone be willing to hire a person who is 58 years old and has a history of having cancer twice and multiple orthopedic issues as I did. They look at the total picture - not just the one issue. in my case workman's comp said they would provide me with an attorney to help me apply - as soon as the attorney saw my MRI report he asked SS for an "expedited review" and within a week it was awarded. Not only was the injury I applied with considered but also that I was scheduled to go in for ankle surgery that was going to put me in a wheelchair for 5 months and after that I would need extensive rehab.And my age and the economy - it was 2008 and the economy was crashing all over the country.

Before you judge others there are many factors in someone else's life that you are most likely not aware of - and are not your business either. I am sure there is fraud in SSD but it is not for you or anyone else to judge others because you don't have any idea why they were awarded and someone else was not.

So many people in this country are so worried that someone is getting something that they are not. Sheesh.

@ happy housewife, Thanks for the feedback. As I said in post #5, being "handicapped" was not part of my life plan. {#emotions_dlg.sad}


Oh yes! Another reason Y I was trying so hard to keep the job I have -- I never seen any jobs ads that say, "seeking 65 yr. old women with lots of work experience". {#emotions_dlg.angry}

Mine either - but life has it's own plans for us.

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Posts: 3,769
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Disability due to bad knees?

On 12/26/2014 happy housewife said:
On 12/26/2014 rina33 said:
On 12/26/2014 hckynut said:

This may get this post "poofed", but I have had many of my threads poofed for a whole lot less by something someone said or something I said in response.

@ hckynut - You didn't say anything "wrong". It's your opinion, and you have a right to your opinion. I read the rules above and they scared me because I AM over 60. I have a difficult time walking all day and fear I might have to stop working. I've been off work a little over 2 months and I'm starting to get anxiety attacks (because becoming "crippled" was not in my life plans). I'm having a hard time visualizing myself as "disabled", but with my arthritis, back & knee injuries, I really can't keep up at the pace I was going before. Sadly, I might just have to retire ... something I wasn't planning to do until I was on my "last leg". Unfortunately, I'm feeling as if I am on my "last leg". {#emotions_dlg.sad}

rina - they will take your total condition into consideration - also there is a temporary SSD you can get that just helps you while you are recovering from say - knee replacements. If I were you i would ask my doctor and speak to a SS attorney. I used Binder & Binder and they were great.I was referred to them by workman's comp and they were very easy to deal with. And they did my entire claim without me ever having to go see them - all on the phone and mail , faxes etc. They even dealt with the doctor's offices and hospitals to get all my necessary tests etc.You don't pay them anything unless they win your case so they won't take on a case they don't feel can win.


Thank you. That's very helpful.

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: Disability due to bad knees?

From a mental health standpoint, I encourage you to look outside of the box for solutions to the issues you are facing. It might be helpful to speak with a temp agency or employment agency to explore options for work that don't involve physical labor. There are many places that would hire someone with a good work ethic. So many places have a hard time keeping employees that will even show up to work. Being able to find something new that you enjoy would go a long way toward helping you adjust to the curveball life has thrown you. Best wishes to you in the new year!

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Disability due to bad knees?


Then there's the issue of HEALTH INSURANCE. If I don't work, I'll have no health insurance to get knee replacements. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

Edit: I meant to say, KEEP the job I have. I have great health insurance.

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
Posts: 27
Registered: ‎11-05-2012

Re: Disability due to bad knees?

SSD that my brother-in-law drew before passing of cancer was not FREE money that came from others pockets. It was based on the money he paid in through his lifetime. And I can assure you he worked his entire life before asking to receive his SSD for one year before his passing.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 546
Registered: ‎06-04-2010

Re: Disability due to bad knees?

On 12/26/2014 rina33 said:


Then there's the issue of HEALTH INSURANCE. If I don't work, I'll have no health insurance to get knee replacements. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

Edit: I meant to say, KEEP the job I have. I have great health insurance.

Is there a chance you could work for the same company in a different capacity?

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Disability due to bad knees?

Social Security is not free money. I have worked for 40 yrs so that my son will be able to get SS. My mother worked for 50 yrs so that I will be able to get.

Yes, the talking heads say that SS is going broke. If you want to know where the money went, ask them.

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: Disability due to bad knees?

On 12/26/2014 rina33 said:


Then there's the issue of HEALTH INSURANCE. If I don't work, I'll have no health insurance to get knee replacements. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

Edit: I meant to say, KEEP the job I have. I have great health insurance.

You are more fortunate than I was with this issue because the AHCA provides you with the ability to buy insurance from the marketplace - my only choice was DH's cobra which cost me $750 /month and I was on that for 10 months, and it was crummy insurance.

If you decide to have your knees done you could just take medical leave and that would continue your insurance from your employer. But your 6 month countdown to apply for SSD would not start until you actually quit - I think. Another thing to ask an atty or your HR department.