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Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

Today was my first annual bilateral screening mammogram after the unilateral one I had last May ruled out what was a possible problem. After the typical screening I was told to dress and I said I'd wait for my results. Next thing I know, the tech said that something was seen and that a second set of pictures and an ultrasound might be needed. She asked if I wanted to wait and do it today, and of course I did. Following the second set, the radiologist determined that there was NO problem, and I needed nothing before my next yearly screening. Now consider, if I'd gone home and gotten the dreaded call in a week or two, I would have wound up with weeks of anxiety AND both the additional views n the mammogram AND the sonogram. Since I went for years and years without causing the clinic any problems, I hope that none of the other ladies who had to wait while my second set of pictures were taken were too incovenienced by the time that my stuff took. I sure am glad that I had the chance to take care of my stuff all in one visit!
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Re: Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

I posted this recently. That happened to me - and I had 11 days to think about it. Fortunately, my 30 yr old t.v. crashed and I had to buy a new one --- so that distracted me most of the time. After I posted my situation on here and the ladies were so kind and encouraging which helped me so much!!!!! I was fine!!!!! Glad u are too.

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Re: Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

Very thankful you are's so stressful to go through any waiting, whether it's a couple of hours or a few days! I travel 2 1/2 hours to the the breast clinic, so I always wait for results ~ once they found "something", aspirated and determined it was a cyst ~ glad it was all done in one appointment! Wish they could obliterate this wretched disease!!!!!! Blessings to violann & kivah ~ good results!!!!!! Actually, me too, had mine 11/20!!
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Re: Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

I have been called back twice to retake mammogram images; most recently, this past Monday. After they took the images and the radiologist looked at them, they called me back to take more, and, like you, they gave me the all clear and "We'll see you next year."

I don't care if they call me back 1, 2, 3 or more times, I am not going to worry about anything until they give me something to worry about. Even I were to get the bad news, worry isn't going to do anything for me other than make me feel worse, both physically and mentally. Don't let it rule you. I know that is often easier said than done, but you are getting regular mammograms, and early detection is a blessing-- You have a far greater chance of survival if they find something early, so by all means, I want them to look until they know what they are looking at. If it's malignant, I will thank my lucky stars that they found it so they can treat it. The prognosis for the treatment of breast cancer is very good if it is caught in the early stages (and has not spread). So important to get those mammograms, my friends!

So glad to know you, Violann, as well as Kivah and Irish all got a clean bill of health! Not knowing is the hardest part, IMO.

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Re: Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

I am one of those people who gets called back every time I go - I usually try to talk them out of doing additional pictures because they are uncomfortable and , if they would just look at the year before pictures they would probably see the same areas are still there. I have already had a lumpectomy so I think there is a lot of scar tissue in there.

Posts: 40
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

I'm going thru this right now. For the second year at holiday time, I've been called back for a second plus US this Friday. That's two weeks from my routine mamo. Since I had two diagnostics last year, wouldn't you think they'd see me the next day? Hopefully, this will turn out like the last one and it will be okay but I won't go thru this again next year, I'll wait til January and not ruin November and December.

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Re: Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

Vamp you are absolutely correct. My yearly mammogram led to repeat mammograms,ultrasounds,biopsies,mris ,a cat scan and finally a lumpectomy for stage 1 breast cancer. I am about to start radiation therapy. Every test involved waiting for the results and the waiting gets more difficult as each test zeros in on the severity of the situation.( type?stage?, easily treatable? Receptive to chemo? # of tumors? , has it spread? Lymph node involvement?,rate of recurrence? ). Waiting for the results of the callback mammogram is the easiest wait in this process. You have to take one test at a time. Get your yearly mammograms. Don't put them off fearing the callback. My cancer was caught very early and is very treatable with great success rates. If I had delayed this year's mammogram I would be walking around with breast cancer growing in me right now and not even know it! Now that's scary!
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Re: Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

One of the best type of news you can get. Wonderful for you.

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Re: Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

embgm ~~ blessings and prayers to you as you begin your radiation ~ thank heaven for early detection!! Vamp ~~ congrats on the ""see you next year!"" Disneydiva ~~ sending you ""strength"" as you wait ~ positive thoughts!
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Re: Another mammogram experience-thanksgiving a day late!

On 11/29/2014 embgm said: Vamp you are absolutely correct. My yearly mammogram led to repeat mammograms,ultrasounds,biopsies,mris ,a cat scan and finally a lumpectomy for stage 1 breast cancer. I am about to start radiation therapy. Every test involved waiting for the results and the waiting gets more difficult as each test zeros in on the severity of the situation.( type?stage?, easily treatable? Receptive to chemo? # of tumors? , has it spread? Lymph node involvement?,rate of recurrence? ). Waiting for the results of the callback mammogram is the easiest wait in this process. You have to take one test at a time. Get your yearly mammograms. Don't put them off fearing the callback. My cancer was caught very early and is very treatable with great success rates. If I had delayed this year's mammogram I would be walking around with breast cancer growing in me right now and not even know it! Now that's scary!

I'm so glad they caught it early on! My sister was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer in June. She had a lumpectomy and has finished her chemo and radiation. I thank God every day that they found it and she is going to be okay. I will pray that your radiation goes well and that you will soon be in remission. I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but if you're going to get it, hopefully it will be caught early and you can be treated. Mammograms save lives!

All the best to you, embgm. You will be in my prayers. Kiss