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Re: anyone watching My Fat Fabulous Life?

Although the show is rather cute, there is really nothing fabulous about being THAT obese.

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Re: anyone watching My Fat Fabulous Life?

I do agree when they named the show they went overboard with the word fabulous.  I guess they named that to draw people in to see the show.


I guess that's to make very overweight people feel good about themself.  As I have said before, I think the show is good for people (all people) to at least see a few minutes of it).  It doesn't glorify being overweight.  I think it shows people struggling to lose weight and not all overweight people are lazy.



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Re: anyone watching My Fat Fabulous Life?

@colliegirls wrote:

Although the show is rather cute, there is really nothing fabulous about being THAT obese.


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Re: anyone watching My Fat Fabulous Life?

Like her; like the show.

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Re: anyone watching My Fat Fabulous Life?

I recently saw a show about AIDS.  Bare with me on this.


It reminded me of many years ago when AIDS was first discovered (some of us remember when they didn't know what it was).  People were dying from it.  You got AIDS, you would die.


I remember there was a beautiful young girl that was interviewed.  She got AIDS from her boyfriend.  I'll never forget what she said.


She said she'd been fat all of her life.  She knew the this boy didn't love her but she wanted to be loved and since she was so fat she figured it was her one chance (she didn't know he had AIDS).  Keep reading.


But (and here's what stayed with me all these years) she said that she'd been losing weight like crazy and was beginning to feel beautiful and even though she couldn't have (relations) with guys, it was OK, because she FELT loved.


I remember thinking (even now it upsets me) how sad it was that this beautiful girl would think that her worth depended on her size.  That she knew she was going to die but she was happy because people were 'loving' her because she was think.


When I saw this show I was happy.  No one condones being that overweight.  She constantly says she is trying to lose weight and talks about the difficulty.  But you have to admit...."That girl moves!"


So, if this show gets overweight girls out of the house, out of their room and helps them understand that everyone has a worth.  If it gives these guys and girls even a shred of hope that they can lose weight (for health), all is not lost, then I think it is wonderful.  Heck!  I think it is wonderful anyway.  After I watch it, I feel better about my constantly aching 69 year old body.  It's hard to watch that show and not smile at least a few times.


I'm not preaching.  I'm just saying that fat people seem to be the only people these days where it's still OK to make jokes and tease.  Shows like this helps to give them the strength to say, "To to (well you know).

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Re: anyone watching My Fat Fabulous Life?

I don't watch the show regularly, but I have watched a couple of times.

I think Whitney has a wonderful personality.  She really understands

the difficulties people face for a variety of reasons.  Her own difficulty

is dealing with her weight gain. 

I think it would be fun to know her; she would be a joy to be around.

And yes, she has a lot of weight to lose to get fit.

But in the meantime, she is going to participate in life to its fullest.

I also think she is beautiful and I love her parents.

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Re: anyone watching My Fat Fabulous Life?

She has mentioned several times that she has polycyctic ovarian syndrome, which I believe, is the cause of her gaining all the weight while in college, among other physical issues, such as hair loss, excessive facial hair and adult acne.

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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Re: anyone watching My Fat Fabulous Life?

The two hour live show was just too long....I enjoy the show, but had to fast forward through the live boring!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: anyone watching My Fat Fabulous Life?

When I watch her I think of my best friend all through high school and later.  When we were in high school she had an amazing figure.  She actually had a 19 inch waist!  She was the kindest, sweetest person I've ever known.


She married and he was terrible and her two boys ended in jail, etc.  Life was difficult.  I think that's how she gained weight.  I hadn't seen her for a few years (maybe even 9 or so.  I'd talk to her and she'd comment on her weight, but I didn't see her.


One day I received a call from her saying "She'd been advised by Hospice that she was to contact people she loved because she only had a few months/days to live".


I went over to her house the next day.  She was in her living room in a hospital bed.  She must have weighed close to what Whitney weighted if not more.


She was still cheerful.  She said her sister went to roll her over to change her sheets and she rolled on her arm and broke it but the Drs said it didn't matter because she was going to die!


She told me how she'd had cervical cancer and because she was so fat the Drs just gave up on her.  Obviously she'd given up on herself.


When I got home I order flowers sent to her and planned to visit in a few days.  I called to see if the flowers had been ordered.  The florist said, "No.  She'd died".


If that show Whitney's in can help even one person like my friend, it's amazing to be on the air.


Maybe one day it won't be OK to make fun or give up on overweight people.