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I can't stand Christine. I wish they would fire her. And Cane I don't care if he is found alive.

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Many moons ago I really liked Christine.  Then the actress left to raise her children and when she came back she was not the same. I am not fond of Lily at all.  She is whiney and too quick to pass judgement.


Wish Ian was long gone and why on earth did they bring back Patty? ugh.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

They can't fire Christine.  She is the daughter of the guy who runs both Y&R and B&B.


I liked her before she left to have her children too.  I guess someone has be mean and say these things so she's there long enough to be "B" and then she's gone again!


I don't like Lilly either.  I think Caine can do better.  They need to bring in some new people.


I'd like to see another rich family come to town.  Someone from Asian decent.  These soaps don't have enough representatives of other Nationalities.  I don't know what I'm trying to how to word it.  Except this country is made up of all kinds and colors of people.  I just think it would be more interesting if another really rich family moved into town to give Jack and Victor a run for their money (so to speak).

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I understand what you are trying to say. It is not a bad idea.

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i dont mind christine, but i think they have made her too one dimensional. i do like lily and cane together, but maybe they need more storm before the calm? i dont like the character of joe at all. hope cane is around for a long time.....i enjoy his character. still hoping that one of these days there is a nick and sharon reunion.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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I am also hoping for a Nick and Sharon reunion.  However, the powers that be have to stop portraying her as a needy psycho. I really don't care for the way Y & R or the B&B make their women characters look like they don't have an original thought in their heads!


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@hellokitty. Yes, that is true.  If they aren't making them psycho needy, they are trying to show them over compensating by acting hard, like Christine, Victoria and Ashley.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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I didn't think of that but you guys are so right about all of that.  It's as if they really dislike females.