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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I read in a chat room that Paul now wants Jess out. He is telling them that Jess grabs him & then Matt says she does it to me. So now the girls really want her out. Maybe Paul planned this the whole time just waiting til tonight to switch votes. I don't care who goes tonight, not a big fan of either of them. 

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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

It says the feeds are down untill friday.   I always wonder if they have to clean that house when they do that.

I hope Jessica is voted out but I guess it doesn't matter.


In some ways I could see paul doing that as a big fake out but it was too much.


I could see kevin and ramses as final two 

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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

@sissel wrote:

I read in a chat room that Paul now wants Jess out. He is telling them that Jess grabs him & then Matt says she does it to me. So now the girls really want her out. Maybe Paul planned this the whole time just waiting til tonight to switch votes. I don't care who goes tonight, not a big fan of either of them. 

I know lying is part of the game, but that kind of lie is over the top. This from the guy who says he comes from a place of honesty and integrity. Blech.

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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@KKali wrote:

@gardenman, Do you think if Jess or Dom has the temptation, they have to use it before the vote is taken?

I don't know when they have to use it. After the vote would be the most dramatic.

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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I thought one of the most over the top lies was in bb 17 when someone made an agreement during an hoh competition and then broke it right after. I can't remember the two people.  maybe vanessa and johnny mac but I'm not sure.


I don't think any lie could be considered over top now.  And how else can they get someone like josh out?

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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Well, BB has given up on the narcoleptic puppies and switched to a bunny cam. You would think that would have the feeds hopping, but no. Ah, and as I type this we're back to the kitten cam. Finally some moving, active critters to watch.

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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

If what I read about Paul now wanting Jess out is true then it's ashame the whole week all he did was horrible to Dom. Yes they should clean the house while feeds are down, I know I did that today to my house. 

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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I'm not overly impressed with this cast.  I hated Paul the beginning of last year and warmed up to him the end of the year although I was pulling for someone else to win.  I am glad he is there now because while obnoxious he has a smart head on his shoulders, is pretty well spoken, and at least is there to play the game.  He's not there to meet a bride or one of the other reasons people seem to forget their game.  I don't understand people who think Big Brother will make them famous - the only one who really had fame outside of Big Brother was Dr Will and that was because he was a plastic surgeon.


Alex seems OK as long as she doesn't let Paul lead her by the nose.  After her I guess I like Kevin although he is basically floating.  Jess/Erika just give themselves away to men.  Ramses as a super fan should be better but he seems to keep messing up.  


I hate to say it but Cody coming back in the house would make things the most interesting of the evictees.  I don't like him but at least he is not boring!

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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@joa wrote:

I had to turn off BBAD, it was just getting way too gross.  These houseguests are disgusting with what they talk about.  Elena absolutely makes me sick and Jessica too.  Elena has done nothing other than talk ****** and lay around looking like she is outof it half the time and she looks like she really needs a good bathing.  She is  a mess and thinks she is going to get a "job offer" out of this?  Give me a break!  She has been a big disappointment along with Matt in my book. I really thought Matt would be a good player but I was very wrong.

I guess my favorite at this moment is Alex.

Joa,you said exactly what i wanted to say,so I thank you,where do they get these people? maybe i am just getting too old for b.b. cause it seems to get nastier every year.Tucka.


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Re: Thursday 7/20/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

even if they don't win if they are popular on social media like instagram or youtube I think they can make a fair amount of money

I think a couple of kevin's daughters are youtubers


plus I think they can make money thru personal appearances