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Is this the week Claire and Jamie meet in the printing shop?  I am thinkin' it is.  How do you like this year's series?  This is the first time I have gone from episode to the next week, having only discovered it this summmer. I am ready for the reunion of J and C!

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They are reunited in episode 6

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Please do not give out plot information without marking it as a Spoiler Alert.   These posts gave out info I would rather not know. 





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I am so excited for the time that they meet again.   I like the series so far, I'm so ready though for her to get back through the stones to Scotland!!!!   Come on already!!!

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Why has Claire aged (some grey hairs etc.) and Jamie looks exactly the same??

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@chihuahuamom Go to "Outlander Spoiler Alerts" to discuss Outlander.  I don't post on these unlesss they say spoiler.


How can you discuss a show unless you 'discuss' a show?  Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and this doesn't say spoiler so these posters have a right to not know.


@chihuahuamom Go there and we can talk about it.  Annabelle.

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Registered: ‎07-14-2013

Oh know, we have to wait 2 weeks to see episode 6.  At least it will be an extended episode!

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@dakotacheryl wrote:

Why has Claire aged (some grey hairs etc.) and Jamie looks exactly the same??

Actually, Claire in suppose to be several years older than Jamie, but in the book neither of them was described as having gray hair.  Maybe a wisp or two.  I think Jamie's face looks more angular than it did when he was younger.

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Registered: ‎06-25-2015

Oooh so sorry!  I didn't think about it being a spoiler.


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Registered: ‎01-29-2017

I also just started watchingt this season, but caught up a bit from the shows they said were pivotal in TV guide(issue prior to current one I think, when they were on the cover)

Every week I do not want this show to end. It is holding my attention - reminds me of the quality of Downtown Abbey first few seasons.



How long can Outlander last - many years I hope.....