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MOVIE REC: "Southpaw" J Gyllenhaal/R McADAMS/Forest Whitaker


This is a thought-provoking movie.  Despite the so-so reviews, it deserved more, I think.

Rachel McAdams is the mom... 

But the movie is not really about the mom... it is about the dad (JG) and his little daughter and about morals and ethics.

If one can endure the first part of the movie, which outlines the raw and seamy part of the boxer's life... the ending is rewarding.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: MOVIE REC: "Southpaw" J Gyllenhaal/R McADAMS/Forest Whitaker

Both of these actors are tops.

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Re: MOVIE REC: "Southpaw" J Gyllenhaal/R McADAMS/Forest Whitaker

I haven't seen it yet but it looked good to me from the previews. Two great actors. 

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Re: MOVIE REC: "Southpaw" J Gyllenhaal/R McADAMS/Forest Whitaker

lovestoteach, an excellent review!

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Re: MOVIE REC: "Southpaw" J Gyllenhaal/R McADAMS/Forest Whitaker


Well, thank you!  When I write them I am always a little concerned that I have mis-represented the movie, etc.  When I quote IMDB's paragraph, I thought everybody would like those better, but maybe not... so thank you..




Glad you like those actors... aren't they great?  Often wonder why such good actors sometimes don't get parts or why we don't see them more often.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~