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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

Whoops! My Kindle did it again: the word is jicama.....but maybe cicadas aren't too far off. There is a movement that is trying to steer us in the Western World, to consuming insects because they are a sustainable source of protein..... I recently read that grasshopper flour is being introduced....sigh...I have pronounced cultural bias against some foods-and I know the government allows a certain amount of insects in our food, but I just don't see it becoming widely accepted here...Just think of the possibility of having authentic grasshopper pie!


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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

T-Bone Steak and SALT.  

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

@Honeybit wrote:

@LTT1  I love that jalapeno jelly and cream cheese combo too, and I don't like HOT peppers in other food.


What a fun thread this is!


Ever since I was very young, I like to have another slice of meat (especially fresh pork ham) with my dessert.  I recently met a lady from church (in her 80's) who does this too -- a first.




My dad would save a bite of bread to "take the sweet taste out of my mouth."  My mother would always roll her eyes because to HER the only way to take the sweet taste out of your mouth was to get another bite of something sweet. . . She is in her late 90s and is NOT diabetic. . . go figure.  Dad was but just because his pancreas wore out LATE in life. 

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

@Mothertrucker wrote:

cicada????? Isn't a cicada a bug?

@Poodlepet2 wrote:

Another combo I love is thin sliced apple or cicada sprinkled with cinnamon....




@Mothertrucker  @Poodlepet2


OFF topic, sort of but: When I was about 10 I collected cicada shells (they shed their outer shell you know) and strung them together for a necklace which I wore to town over shorts and a white blouse.  My mother didn't really look at me I guess.  We got to a fancy dept. store and the clerk said "My that is an unusual necklace."  I proudly held it up for inspection and said "I MADE it!"  


My mother turned around, stared at me and said WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?  Well, she was horrified.  Needless to say.  It was pretty funny!!!  Thought you'd enjoy the story!  

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

OT: proof that art is everywhere!  I have an aversion to insects, but every spring/ summer, cicadas were everywhere-littering the driveway to the point where you could here them crunching under your tires!


.....but I always admired their beauty.  Sooner, I never would have touched one let alone make a, you really are an artistic renegade!Smiley Happy


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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

Yes, art is everywhere.  I saw a keychain that was a sandspur.  They are quite interesting!  One of God's "why?" creations!


Sand spurs hurt

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

In this picture, they have a natural beauty, but they are the bain of my weekend life.  They stick to dogs, jeans-those and hitch hikers, argh! I have discovered old credit cards work wonders for removal from pants, but I always have tweezers around when taking them off the pups: glucose testing does not hurt anywhere nearly as bad as getting poked by a handspun!


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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

@Zhills wrote:

Yes, art is everywhere.  I saw a keychain that was a sandspur.  They are quite interesting!  One of God's "why?" creations!


Sand spurs hurt

OH MAN those things hurt like the devil if you stop on them and if you wear sox around them you will have to pick all of 'em off with tweezers and sometimes it ruing your sox!  I am far too well acquainted with them from childhood!  

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

Cheese-it's and orange juice.

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Registered: ‎01-06-2013

Re: Name two things you like to eat together.


 peanut butter on cinnamon rolls!


Is someone eating stickers???