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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

ill look at fb pages for good receipes..

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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

A dish of sugar free jello with a dollop of topping. Yum

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

Keep in mind that some people will have sensitivities, sometimes extreme, to any of the sugar substitutes.  Furthermore, even for those of us who don't, consuming too much of it can also cause problems.


I'm not diabetic, but I've made pumpkin pies using Splenda for several years and you would never know the difference.  I don't overeat, however, but I would imagine that if somebody gorges on anything like this it could cause them some, uh, lower intestinal upsets.  Smiley Wink

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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

I am diabetic ,and also at present, have digestive issues. I will not touch anything artificially sweetened.It is very hard to digest


If I want to have something ,I have a tiny bit of the real thing. It's far better in the long run, to adjust your carbs to allow for a once in a while treat ,than to use that artificial stuff. The sweeteners ending in OL are the worst of them all

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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

It's probably a little late to post this but I found a receipe online for Diabetic Pecan Pie. It's my BF's favorite dessert - he said it wasn't too bad at all and I should definitely make it again. I ended up using the food processor and used the Splenda Brown Sugar with regular sugar. 


Pecan Pie - Diabetic


Makes 1 9" pie

  • 1cup light brown sugar (or Splenda substitute)
  • 1/4cup white sugar (or Splenda)
  • 1/2cup butter, melted
  • 1tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • 1tablespoon milk
  • 1teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1cup chopped pecans
  • 2eggs
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl, beat eggs until foamy, and stir in melted butter. Stir in the brown sugar, white sugar and flour. Mix well. Last add the milk, vanilla and nuts.

Pour into an unbaked 9-in pie shell. Bake in preheatedoven for 10 minutes at 400 degrees, then reduce temperature to 350 degrees and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until done. (Knife inserted in center will come out clean)



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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

Please check w/ diabetic or parent. Angel food cake, strawberries, raisins, etc are loaded with sugar. 1 slice AF cake is 20 grams of sugar!

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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

Just wanted to point out that Splenda is considered an artificial sweetener, but Stevia is considered a natural sweetener.

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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

The diabetic in my family eats no more than 15 g of carbohydrates per day so desserts are not at all on her menu. This child may have a similarly careful physician. 

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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

I too use Truvia.  It’s really good.  

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Re: Cookies/dessert recipes to bake for Diabetics?

I just wanted to throw out that I have made desserts with 1/2 of the sugar called for and didn't miss it at all.  Strawberry Heaven comes to mind, I couldn't tell a difference at all.  I think you can get by with much less sugar (and salt) than recipes call for. 

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