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I often wonder if some have ever bought to begin with.   I know some of the biggest complainers of (I never buy) do indeed make posts about things they buy.  Oxymoron?

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Count me as one of the QVC customers whose purchasing has declined.  My shopping habits are changing.  I find I watch less because I am bored by the slow pace and stale products.  Sometimes I am repelled by sales techniques.  Instead of focusing on the product, I am distracted by the sales pitch and shut down to the whole process. 

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I always chuckle when I read someone isn't going to shop here any more....just like the ones who say that the Q's sales will fall because a host is leaving....


All one has to do is listen during any given show and hear the number of products that are sold or two board members or one host is never going to hurt the Q's bottom line...


I guess if their rant makes them feel better...then this board has done its job.....

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well, for those who have stopped buying from worries, i am actually buying MORE from qvc than ever, as a long time shopper, qvc has nothing to worry about from me PLUS i am taking over the buying power of several people who may have stopped shopping. LOL

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Last year, I only bought 2 items from QVC.  So fat this year nothing.  I would not say I'm never going to shop at QVC, but my purchases are fewer and fewer.  


I know QVC doesn't miss my non-buying and I don't miss QVC.

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It's a standard, foot-stomping, entitled tactic all over the internet where people are allowed to post opinions and experiences.


QVC, Amazon, Yelp, Facebook as examples. They are all full of "never going to shop here/eat here/go there again" posts all the time, including "going to tell everyone I know not to ..." etc. It's just people having hissyfits because things didn't go their way and they didn't get what they wanted or get catered to.


No one "needs" to do a dramatic "X has ruined my Christmas/child's birthday/life" or a "taking my money elsewhere!" flounce.


The companies just don't care, and I'm sure the posters KNOW the companies don't care. It's just like toddlers having a fists-beating-the-ground temper tantrum - they do it for the attention it brings from others. Look at meeeeee! I'm IMPORTANT. No, they're not. LOL.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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I've commented that I wasn't purchasing particular clothing lines here, but never said I wasn't buying from QVC.  I am suspect of anyone posting in this forum saying they don't shop at QVC.  Duh, really?  Geez, who doesn't take the time to go to various retailer sites and talk about how we are not shopping there?  LOL  I spread my shopping around like most shoppers do.  Isn't getting the best deal the whole point?  Sometimes the best deal is at QVC, and I take full advantage of that.  Last time I saw market stats on retail I didn't see QVC on that negative list, so I guess they are hanging in there.

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Gardensla described me. Also, the last two purchases were duplicates of Linea items that I wore out and one was a replacement of a WEN product. I gave all three purchases a lot of thought.

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Registered: ‎10-02-2013

Re: never buying again

[ Edited ]

I can't browse the Q website due to screen jumping so I'm doing less shopping. It's just too frustrating to click on the item I want, but get something above instead, because it jumps every screen change that I shop elsewhere. I watch it on TV, so I'm not in full boycott, but like others said they don't notice or care.

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Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Personally  I would never state that I wouldn't shop at the Q again..... I love the convenience and for the most part have been happy with the products I've selected.... but my selections aren't nearly as prolific as they used to be.   And yes, I pretty much can afford to buy what I used to buy....


However there seems to be more problems with the merchandise as a whole, less sales that I can sink my teeth into and more and more feelings of disappointment with shows and hosts than I've ever experienced before.  Will I stop buying?  Probably not because I love the convenience of it....  when it goes right, it's really right....   but when it doesn't..... I'll complain like everyone else about it.... Woman Happy 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*