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Occasionally HSN will have a ""5 in 5"" in which they sell 5 items in 5 minutes. Everyone should do that more often.

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I don't watch HSN very much any more, but I have seen the occasion when they are moving limited clearance items out, where they do a "five in five" -- 5 items in 5 minutes. These are pieces that are limited to just a few dozen available, they take one minute to describe one item, then move to the next. Most of them sell out in that five minutes, and they're done. Then they go back to their regular presentations for that show.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I shop online. I don't watch. Okay sometimes I check in to see what is going on. But my shopping habits have changed. I am very quick to buy something and that is dangerous. So If I shop online I have time to research, and or make up my mind later. It is more cost effective and saves me a bundle.

I don't have any issues with hosts or vendors but frankly I don't have time for the SELL...

I also don't to to malls or stores. I am an online shopper who usually ends up at AMAZON for everything but clothing. I guess Coldwater Creek is now out.

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I also notice on both QVC and HSN they will say an item is sold out and you can go online and it is still available to order. I am watching these channels less and prefer not to deal with the ""theatrics"" of the hosts--especially on QVC. I like the convenience of online shopping.

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Registered: ‎05-10-2010

I buy a lot of things from QVC, every week I receive at least two packages. But I rarely watch any tv presentations. Even when I do watch a show, I watch 15 or 20 minutes. I shop exclusively from because the vast majority of items on dot com never were shown on air or had one or two airings that I never would have seen. I have friends and co workers who are avid QVC shoppers too and I'm accustomed to hearing them say "I never saw that on QVC!". If you shop only for what you see shown on air, you really are limiting yourself. Also, the brand new items are often available on dot com a couple of weeks before they show up in an on air presentation. However, I've never been into watching any shopping channel for entertainment and I don't really care much about the lives of the various show hosts. So, it's easy for me to skip the tv programming and get right to the "stuff" on dot com.

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Registered: ‎12-21-2012

Many years ago, when I first found out about shopping channels. I tried both HSN and QVC. I couldn't stand the long drawn out presentations on HSN. I always wondered why they didn't watch QVC and learn. Fast forward to today....QVC is worse than HSN ever was.

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Registered: ‎07-20-2010
I actually don't watch much on any shopping channel without pre-selecting it. I go through with the guide on the weekend and tell my DVR what to record during the upcoming week. I don't watch much that irritates me and I can fast forward when it gets boring. I record the series and movies I watch, too, and I rarely watch a commercial.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

When I buy, I purchase from QVC exclusively on-line, very rarely using the phone, and do scour the website regularly. Heaven only knows, you have to. If left to the on-air presentations, you'd think they only sell about ten items. It's a shame. No, I don't rely on QVC for 'entertainment', but the programming could be more diverse and yes, could be a bit more watchable than incessant and too long presentations of the same handful of brands and product categories. Forcing us to focus on the website for variety is a slippery slope because if I'm already on-line then I'm going to comparison shop and all too often find better pricing and less expensive shipping for many of the same items. I shop QVC when the same item isn't available elsewhere for less. On-air shopping, when the programming offered more variety, seemed to lead to more impulse purchasing even when doing the actual buying on-line. Browsing on-line, however, makes me much less likely to impulse buy. You have to wonder if the suits have considered that variable when they switched to their infomercial programming format.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...