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Re: I Get It...Q Wants Us to Get the Q Card!

I got the Q card many years ago for one reason only, they itemize your purchases.  That's it.  I pay my balance in full every month and I don't go above my means.  I have mentioned it in another thread that this is a "perfect storm" for the Q.  In the past six months or so they have been  makes enticing offers for the Q card and the focus has been on trying to wrangle in new customers. They treat the old customers terrible, no great customer service or customer relations.   There are some that will be sold on their pitch and run themselves into debt, once that happens I don't think they'll be shopping at the Q anymore.   I have limited my purchases even further now and I really wish the vendors I purchase from would be on another shopping channel.  

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Registered: ‎04-16-2010

Re: I Get It...Q Wants Us to Get the Q Card!

[ Edited ]

I cut the hosts some slack because when I worked retail and this was years ago, we had a quota for how many new store CC apps (that were APPROVED) we pulled during our shift. HATED IT but... it was part of keeping your job. If QVC has informed the hosts that must do this or else, then what do you expect them to do?


My gut tells me that they are going to do away with Easy Pay unless if have a card. Why? Because you get 3 Easy payments automatically when using it; not so with any other card. If they make the Easy Pay subject to using your Q card, then 2 things will happen:


1) People will not purchase the item unless they have all the money available


2) People will apply for the Q card.


Which do you think QVC would like to see happen? 


I have a Q card and pay it off each month, so no interest. Love it. I can always pay it off instead of waiting for the next Easy Pay to hit. In the end, the card works for me the way I want it to and isn't that what a CC card is supposed to do?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I Get It...Q Wants Us to Get the Q Card!

I have more credit cards than I need.  I'm never going to get a Q Card, and I'm never going to get a Target Card!  Yes...these are the two businesses that push it the most.

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Posts: 92
Registered: ‎11-18-2010

Re: I Get It...Q Wants Us to Get the Q Card!

So, after being promised the $10 credit for opening the Q card during the month of February (which I opened this morning), I'm wondering when I'll receive the $10.  I was told by the customer service rep I spoke to that it would be in my account immediately.  Still waiting.  Anyone else have this problem?  Truthfully, I don't need another credit card.  I applied for this one primarily for the $10 and of course, the 3 EZ payments may come in handy from time to time . . . . . Just waaaaaaiting for my $10 to post to my account so I can make the purchase in my Cart.  Am I the only one experiencing this issue?