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Gabbrielle Kerr. Real or fake eyelashes?

[ Edited ]

I'm wondering if Gavrielle Kerr wears fake eyelashes.  I was watching her host Food Fest today and noticed how long her eyelashes looked.  So, are they reall or fake?  She is geogeous, either way.   And a bundle of energy when she hosts.



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Re: Gabbrielle Kerr. Real or fake eyelashes?

They look obviously fake to me.

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Re: Gabbrielle Kerr. Real or fake eyelashes?





I've seen her with/without makeup and with/without eyelashes. Most always, like many of the other hosts, she wears false lashes.

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Re: Gabbrielle Kerr. Real or fake eyelashes?

I'm not wondering about them at all.....they are false lashes. 

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Re: Gabbrielle Kerr. Real or fake eyelashes?


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