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Registered: ‎06-11-2019

Did the Muk Luks rep Anne Wiggins switch to Physicians Endorsed hats?

I've never seen her do anything other than Muk Luks before this morning doing hats. Or is she now someone who does multiple brands that don't need a full time rep, like that one woman who does all of the random gadgets.

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Re: Did the Muk Luks rep Anne Wiggins switch to Physicians Endorsed hats?

There was another time this yr I saw her rep another line as well, like the woman who typically reps for Halo but does a lot of techy presentations for other brands.

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Re: Did the Muk Luks rep Anne Wiggins switch to Physicians Endorsed hats?

@Dennieee Her LinkedIn says she represents both Muk Luks and Physicians Endorsed Hats.


What I found odd is - she has on her LinkedIn under "Key Accomplishments" that she has created a "cult like following"on QVC.



Whaaaat? 😂  Very strange choice of words there.


Muk Luks is a cult? Maybe just say it's popular? 🤷😆





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Re: Did the Muk Luks rep Anne Wiggins switch to Physicians Endorsed hats?

@MezzieStarr.  I think she's saying she has a "cult-like" following, not Muk Luks.  She must have a lofty opinion of herself; I didn't even know who she was.

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Re: Did the Muk Luks rep Anne Wiggins switch to Physicians Endorsed hats?

I interpret it as the brand itself has a "cultlike" following,  which may be true, not Anne herself.