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😂😂😂. This reminds me of that old cartoon with the big furry creature hugging the little saying, "I'm going to love you and squeeze you and hug you!" Lol

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Love between a pet and a child is special.  Hopefully it teaches a youngster to respect and treat animals with compassion and  kindness.  What a lovely photo showing much love .

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@cheriere wrote:

😂😂😂. This reminds me of that old cartoon with the big furry creature hugging the little saying, "I'm going to love you and squeeze you and hug you!" Lol



Could that be the skunk named Pepe Le-Pew??

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Registered: ‎12-01-2023

@Texas Gray Wolf   😂 Pepe Le Pew does it too!

I was originally thinking about this big white bear like creature with a dumb dumb voice who squeezes this little pet cat or dog that keeps trying to get away.  I can't believe I can't remember what this creature is.....

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Registered: ‎12-01-2023

The character is Hugo the Abominable Snowman lol.
