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Does your dog or cat have a "wardrobe"? Thinking of just getting a sweater for my older beagle and noticed pet store has aisles of outfits for dogs/cats.....some are really elaborate. What's your fur baby wearing?


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This is Frankie's Christmas tree fleece jacket.  I order her jackets from etsy.  They have sellers that make them specifically to your dog's measurements.  Frankie is a french bulldog, and you really can't find ready made clothing for their shape.  I have a couple of fleece jackets for her and am getting ready to order a wool one.



The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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So cute!

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My dogs and cats have passed away (most recently, my cat, two weeks ago), so I don't dress anyone up anymore.  ;-)  But when I did, my dogs were the only ones who would stay still long enough for me to put anything on them.  They understood that, one, it kept them warm, and two, I treated them very well, so they put up with my "styling" of them.  None of my dogs had an extensive wardrobe, just, mainly some pieces that kept them warm and safe (like doggie booties for going outside in the wintertime or cooler weather, besides sweaters, t-shirts, and winter jackets).  I used to buy fairly simple, but adorable Halloween costumes for my dogs, like a dinosaur, a bat, and an elf.  My cats would only put up with fancy collars, never anything else.  On a related note, if we would have had the money, I would have (and would, still) buy this really nice pet bed by a company that also makes human mattresses and beds.  It had a swirly metal frame and a real mattress for pets.  Now, THAT would be the height of "elaborate" for my family's pets.  Since he's older, your dog might appreciate a sweater, like we humans like those things as we grow older, something to keep him warm. In the end, do whatever you want for your fur baby.  :-)  I wish my fur babies were still around.  Someday, though,  I will adopt more.  And their wardrobe will flourish once again.  LOL

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[ Edited ]

@NickNack Awwww, adorable!!  Thanks for the note on where you buy the clothing.  I will be sure to check out etsy the next time I go searching for some doggie clothes.  

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Good heavens NO!   Dogs should be dogs.   Mine would be insulted and humiliated.   My one stipulation the last time I got a "sissy" dogs of the type an old lady would have. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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My dogs don't have wardrobes, but they do have sweaters.  It can get very cold here and they don't have a lot of fur and their under carriage is pretty bald.  So, when it gets very cold out, they get their sweater.

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Registered: ‎12-14-2015
What a beauty!somebody is so loved... I also agree about finding clothing for deep chested dogs.. always too big every where else.. I have a big 16 lb shihtzu boy!I knit him irish wool sweaters ,custom made, The things we do for our babies! Hugs and kisses...Maryanne
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No.  Pets were not meant to wear clothing.  They always look embarrased.  I feel bad for them.

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Understanding what it means that your dog is a dog is our first priority as responsible dog owners.  But the saddest part of turning your dog into a person is that you inevitably lose sight of the dog.  He becomes a surrogate child or a surrogate friend or a surrogate lover instead of the wonderful dog he is.