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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

You have a big heart @Buck-i-Nana...I wish every older dog could be loved as you have done. It's hard to lose them, and I just saw that commercial again last night and got all teary again.

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

So sorry for this loss and your sad heart, @Buck-i-Nana.  Be comforted in knowing you provided a home for Dusty to live out his days in a loving and caring environment.  Who knows what would have happened if you didn't step in?

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

[ Edited ]

Thank you everyone for all your kind words.  I wasn't going to post about this here, but decided I had to because I still can't talk to anyone in person without breaking down.  My family have always supported what I do and my youngest son took off early from work to help me transport my big guy.


These last 2 have been the hardest.  I lost Bella  just a couple weeks ago and she had just started coming out of her shell.  It took months of working with her until she even understood that people talk to their pets and we were really talking to her.  We believe she was used as a breeder at a puppy mill.  She had apparently never been spoken to or loved, never got out of her kennel.  We thought she was deaf at first and realized she just didn't understand.  The last visit to the vet, they were so thrilled with how much she had changed and wagging her tail and happy.  Again, I know that at least she finally got to know love, and a big grassy yard to play in.  Her support structures in her back end weren't developed enough that she could even go for walks with us because she was totally exhausted after just 1/2 a block.  She enjoyed the back yard though and being able to lay in the sun and adored my young granddaughters.


I still have 2 that I rescued when they were much younger.  My terrier was 2 when I adopted her and my big lab/great dane was almost a year and I was his third home after 2 abusive situations.  They are 10 and 11 now and still act like pups, just as gray as I am.


I know I can't stop.  I won't actively go seeking for at least a little bit and I will have to change what I do a bit.  I've been taking in the big dogs and I'm just not physically able to manage when the situation plays out like the last 2.  Lifting 50 pounds is really my limit, and so I'll have to limit myself to dogs no heavier than that.


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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(



I am sorry for your loss. It is never easy. I have to smile when I think of the wonderful gift you give these dogs with them knowing love on earth before they pass. I  can visualize your dad with many dogs passing out treats, Thanks for posting to remind us of the importance of  the senior pets.



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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

I am so sorry for the loss of your loved one.  It never gets easier to lose our pets, but it doesn't stop us from taking them into our hearts and lives.  Thank God,  because it would be like giving up breathing. 


May your heavy heart lighten over time so you can make room for a new opportunity of love.  May God bless you and your husband.   You are special people indeed.                      

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

@Buck-i-Nana   My heart and deep condolences go out to you,  knowing how difficulty this loss must be.   I lost two dogs in November,  and am still mourning and missing them both.   One came from a hoarding situation and never in her five years even had a name until she came to me.   She had an autoimmune disease plus anemia to which she eventually succumbed.   She had one year of love in a clean decent home and a name. 

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

Buck i nana, my heart goes out to you on your loss. Our most senior adoption was 13 when he was relinquished and crossed over 5 days prior to his 17th birthday from a brain tumor. Felt like he was ours from the beginning.  We also provided terminal senior care to a rescue center dog who ended up with us, happily, for several years. I know how hard it is to do this....bless you for giving so much of yourself to walk that path. Most of our adoptions were adults when they joined our pack, and I would do it all over again.

If my dog doesn't like you, neither do I.
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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

My heart and my deepest condolences go out to you on the second devastating loss of a much beloved dog in less than a month.


Please find comfort and solace in the fact that Dusty always knew in his doggy heart Heart how very much you loved him, that he was surrounded by that same love when you sent him to The Bridge in peace and with dignity, and that he's now happily running like a puppy with all of his new friends through the sunlit meadows of that most blessed place...and of getting treats from your Dad.


God Bless you for rescuing the older dogs. I've rescued older cats (the oldest being a pair of 12 year old brothers) and I know that these precious animals still have so much unconditional love to give.



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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(



I am so sorry!!  My heart is breaking for you too. 

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

so sorry..Smiley Sad