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Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

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Re: Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

Animals are very caring creatures.  I have seen family cats and dogs cry tears and appear tonight for days after their owners passed.  Like many families we kept them with other family members they were familiar with and in time they appeared to be happy again.  My life would feel empty without animals in it.  And of course my family also.;-)

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Re: Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

I got my first horse almost two years ago. We have become so close I can't even begin to explain it. We talk. He knows who I am. Our relationship means the world to me. 


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Re: Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

I got tears in my eyes.  Very emotional and I'm happy the owner's brother will take care of the horse. 

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Re: Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

That's sad, but animals know. I know they do!

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Re: Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

If this video doesn't tear at a person's heart, well I just don't know.  Animals have strong feelings.  I am so glad this poor horse will have a new guardian who will love him.

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Re: Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

@KatieB The horse is not the only one crying, I have crocodile tears rolling down my cheeks, animals are so incredible!

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Re: Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

@CareBears wrote:

@KatieB The horse is not the only one crying, I have crocodile tears rolling down my cheeks, animals are so incredible!


@CareBears, I'm not posting this for any other reason than it's not an expression that is good to use inappropriately. Saying it in your post means you're being INsincere - although I knew what you were trying to say.


Definition of "crocodile tears": (wikipedia)


"Crocodile tears (or superficial sympathy) are a false, insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief. The phrase derives from an ancient belief that crocodiles shed tears while consuming their prey."


I thought you would want to know.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

@Moonchilde I did not know that, see it is true you learn something every day, in the future I will NOT be using that expression, I really never knew that, HUH?

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Re: Horse Crying at Owner's Funeral

Oh, it's so sad.