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Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

@luvmyteddy4 wrote:

my arms and legs look like railroad tracks from all the scratches and bites I've gotten over the years from my cats. I have a lot of cats all formerly ferals who are now inside.


I had a biter for years and now he's one of the most affectionate cats I've ever had. He hasn't bit me for a couple of years now!

I have another one who punches so hard I see stars. I turn black and blue. He's my smallest kitty but I have to be careful where I touch him.


I also get a tetanus shot.  

@luvmyteddy4   I sure get that about being careful where to touch . I have cats that are very particular about certain areas and if I forget I either get swatted or bite ,  cats are so quick too so it's hard to avoid it . I love each and every one of my kitties past and present so there is nothing that can really be done about it . It's just part of being a cat owner and lover 😺

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Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

I've had many friends (DH, too) who have worked, or still do, in the ER, or Outpatient Surgery. I've heard hundreds of injuries that occurred due to animals. Horses, dogs, cats, other pet critters and even wild animals that shouldn't have been adopted. Yep, leave the country kitties, better known as baby skunks, alone. 


I never heard of a patient who declared they were angry at their beloved pet friends, only that they needed to be more observant and careful in the future. 


We don't kick our human child out of the house when we slip on a LEGO ,winding up in the ER. Our pets are family, too. We're just reminded to be more careful and alert. 

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Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

@BlueFinch wrote:

I've had many friends (DH, too) who have worked, or still do, in the ER, or Outpatient Surgery. I've heard hundreds of injuries that occurred due to animals. Horses, dogs, cats, other pet critters and even wild animals that shouldn't have been adopted. Yep, leave the country kitties, better known as baby skunks, alone. 


I never heard of a patient who declared they were angry at their beloved pet friends, only that they needed to be more observant and careful in the future. 


We don't kick our human child out of the house when we slip on a LEGO ,winding up in the ER. Our pets are family, too. We're just reminded to be more careful and alert. 

It's funny you called country kitties baby skunks.  I once rescued two male kittens I ended up keeping.  They were country feral kitties.  I've even been sprayed once.  Yuck!  But, I'd have never gotten rid of him lol.

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Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

Never ever would I get rid of a kitty just because he's being a kitty. One time Oliver ran right into me as he was having the zoomies and I fell on the tile floor. I never once though of giving him away. My kitties (Oliver, Char and Sheba) are my babies and I love them dearly. 

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Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

OMGosh----- In Oct of 2022, I had caught my foot in the very wide leg of some yoga pants I had on--fell forward onto the groceries I was bringing in---and broke my ankle!!! While writhing in pain and being very vocal about it, my 13 year old cat went balistic and attacked my head. she punctured  the cartilige of my ear, scratched at my temple and snagged my lip---I was a bloody mess--the aid guys thought I had hit my head and were all concerned as I looked awful--and had to get a tetnaus shot to boot!! Now-- she has always re- acted to loud noises and commotion. especially if its coming from me and it upsets her---she is a rescue and am sure deep down in that vast recess of her cat brain, she must have been screamed and yelled at during her kitten hood--I got her at 6 mos. So I got alot of flake for not getting rid of her----which I didn't. Just one of those weird things---- and one thing more--she would curl up in bed with me, on my left chest area and purr like crazy, during my 5 months of weekly chemo for breast cancer--that was the side I had mastectomy on and also  33 days of radiation too--- the healing vibrations of a cats purr, I guess. Cat Tongue

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Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

[ Edited ]

We have 1 left and she's about 17..She was a shelter cat who must have been a lap cat before she went to the shelter..She's a sweetheart...We got her when she was about 9.


She loves DH lap with sweatpants....He has so many scabs on his legs from her jumping up on him..Our primary thought they were bug bites..on his thighs.

She roared when we told her what the marks were from..She said it happens alot..


She will probably be our last kitty and we would never give her up.She is the last of 6 that we have had over the years and most of them lived to be 18-22 yrs.old.


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Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

@cheriere wrote:

@BlueFinch wrote:

I've had many friends (DH, too) who have worked, or still do, in the ER, or Outpatient Surgery. I've heard hundreds of injuries that occurred due to animals. Horses, dogs, cats, other pet critters and even wild animals that shouldn't have been adopted. Yep, leave the country kitties, better known as baby skunks, alone. 


I never heard of a patient who declared they were angry at their beloved pet friends, only that they needed to be more observant and careful in the future. 


We don't kick our human child out of the house when we slip on a LEGO ,winding up in the ER. Our pets are family, too. We're just reminded to be more careful and alert. 

It's funny you called country kitties baby skunks.  I once rescued two male kittens I ended up keeping.  They were country feral kitties.  I've even been sprayed once.  Yuck!  But, I'd have never gotten rid of him lol.

@cheriere Aw, the little feral rescues you adopted were very lucky for your kindness. You're a trooper to be sprayed and endured ... Lol. 


One of my Country Kitty (baby skunks) stories was pretty awful, when a Dr. friend rescued some abandoned baby skunks. I get it, they're adorable, but he should have know better. 


The rescues got increasingly sick, only to find out they had rabies. He, wife and children all had to have rabies shots. Good deeds are wonderful, but caution first, always. 

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,054
Registered: ‎12-01-2023

Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

[ Edited ]

@BlueFinch wrote:

@cheriere wrote:

@BlueFinch wrote:

I've had many friends (DH, too) who have worked, or still do, in the ER, or Outpatient Surgery. I've heard hundreds of injuries that occurred due to animals. Horses, dogs, cats, other pet critters and even wild animals that shouldn't have been adopted. Yep, leave the country kitties, better known as baby skunks, alone. 


I never heard of a patient who declared they were angry at their beloved pet friends, only that they needed to be more observant and careful in the future. 


We don't kick our human child out of the house when we slip on a LEGO ,winding up in the ER. Our pets are family, too. We're just reminded to be more careful and alert. 

It's funny you called country kitties baby skunks.  I once rescued two male kittens I ended up keeping.  They were country feral kitties.  I've even been sprayed once.  Yuck!  But, I'd have never gotten rid of him lol.

@cheriere Aw, the little feral rescues you adopted were very lucky for your kindness. You're a trooper to be sprayed and endured ... Lol. 


One of my Country Kitty (baby skunks) stories was pretty awful, when a Dr. friend rescued some abandoned baby skunks. I get it, they're adorable, but he should have know better. 


The rescues got increasingly sick, only to find out they had rabies. He, wife and children all had to have rabies shots. Good deeds are wonderful, but caution first, always. 

Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that about your Dr friend and his family having to get shots.  During Covid, Ruby missed out on getting her rabies vaccine that year and I was terrified she'd stumble across something, anything outside that might have rabies.


Those two rescue kitties I got had to be pulled out from under a home and up by the heating/air duct work.  I was terrified at what might be under there, but I knew they had to be saved.  It was really a miracle anyone even known about them.  Had others not been walking through the house and heard crying through an air grate in a bedroom, they'd have never been found.❤️

These were infants and I bottle fed them cat milk at home until they were big enough for food.  They really thought I was their mommy lol.

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Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

[ Edited ]

Glad you're on the mend and bless you for not blaming your kitty.  


To answer your question - aside from the usual scratches and bites over all my years of having kittens and cats I got a bad couple of scratches on my leg a few weeks ago.  I must gave fallen asleep on the couch and my cat must have been on the floor at my feet. I'm really not sure.  But when I woke up my leg was scratched badly and bleeding.  I can only assume I accidently stepped on him or kicked him - I don't know.  And he reacted?  I vaguely remember it happening - I only vaguely knew immediately after - must have been half asleep.  Of course I wouldn't blame him.  He's the most darling cat - just the most affectionate and sweetest - such a good boy too.  He's a big strong cat - these look like tiger scratches lol.  I have a dr's appt tomorrow (my every 6 month usual check) - if he asks I'm going to say I was attacked by rose bushes.  



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Registered: ‎12-01-2023

Re: Did you ever get an injury from your kitty……

I should've included this in my other post, but the kittens that were rescued had been abandoned by the mother.  


Unfortunately, there were a few dead found with the two live ones left.  I didn't want folks to think I'd have just ripped these kittens from their actual mother.