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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

I don't think there is an age for a sleepover,  I have to personally know the parents of the child having the sleepover and the sleepover cannot be my first interaction with them.

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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

I think 5 is a tad too young too, it sounds fun, but at that age they still like the security of their own home, bed and their parents near by. My granddaughter is 4 years old, and I can't imagine her going for a sleepover, she has play dates, but never sleep overs. I think around age 8 is a good age to start those..... 

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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

From one grandmother to another.

5 is too young



@Nataliesgramma wrote:

My granddaughter is 5  and was invited to a sleepover with some of her School friends. My daughter thinks she is too young and so do I.


I remember allowing my daughter to attend one when she was in First grade, but in this day and age.....I probably wouldn't have allowed it.



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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

5????? Are they kidding?  My first sleepover I was 12.

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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

I was relieved when my daughter said "No" to the sleepover....I don't like to interfere in her marriage....but I was going to give my opinion if she was going to let her go....LOL

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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

[ Edited ]

My first 'slumber party' was when we were in high school.  And even then, we left for a few hours and went somewhere (I don't recall where; and one of my friends remembers going somewhere; she doesn't recall where, either.)   So, 'all in all', I'd be very careful letting youngsters attend sleepovers.  I'd have to be one of the chaperons, sleeping in a sleeping bag near the front door, lol.   Well, maybe outside their bedroom   ....(There's always one child in a group who's creative, and very adventurous.)

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

My niece is 5. She has spent the night at the neighbors. But my sister knows them very well and they are all very good friends. My sisters husband went to school with the dad. Sometimes her and her 8 yo brother both spend the night at the same time. Their kids are the same age as my niece and nephew.

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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

Five is much too young; unless it's a close relative's house.  My girls were 9 or 10 but they were not allowed to attend sleepovers at just anyone's house.  I had to know the girls and their families extremely well, they had to be close friends if I was going to trust them with my children.  

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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

You brought back a cute memory for me.  When one of my little granddaughters went to a friends house (about six years old)  . . . this friend lived very near me.


At about midnight, my doorbell rang, and there was my granddaughter with all of her stuff standing there with her friend's mother.  My granddaughter  said to me "Grandma, I'm just not ready."  We moms both smiled at each other, and I brought my granddaughter up to my bedroom with me where she promptly fell sound asleep.


I called my daughter first thing in the morning.  And she laughed and said "I had a feeling that would happen."


This granddaughter now lives in Manhattan with friends and is a "woman of the world."  She became a very socially active girl in her early teens.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: What age for the first sleepover?

@chrystaltree wrote:

Five is much too young; unless it's a close relative's house.  My girls were 9 or 10 but they were not allowed to attend sleepovers at just anyone's house.  I had to know the girls and their families extremely well, they had to be close friends if I was going to trust them with my children.  

Exactly. My husband and I had to know the parents very well before allowing sleepovers. I didn't mind at all the sleepovers at our house. Both my girls seemed to want sleepovers for quite a few birthdays, but again this was when they were at least 8 or 9 years old.....