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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

Don't make a big deal out of it.  Just tell her every toilet sounds different.  She will get used to it.

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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

I am right there with you @drizzellla.

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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

[ Edited ]

She can use the school nurses bathroom if she holds in it (becomes a medical issue). Get a Dr.s note.


I  have never heard of a school with 10 bathroom stalls. That's nice.

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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

[ Edited ]

Are you the child's guardian?  If not, talk her to parent or guardian.  They should be the one/s taking care of it.  


Stop worrying and over-reacting.  The bigger deal you make of it, the bigger the problem.  It's a fact of life.  Keep it that way.  

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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

Awww, she's just a little girl.


If that had been my daughter, either I would ask to come in and take her to show her it isn't scary.  Otherwise, perhaps the school nurse could do it.


They are only little for a short time.



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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

This must be pretty common.  My little 4 year old great niece started pre kindergarten this week.  She loves it.  But she's afraid to flush the toilet.  It's really bothering her because the teacher told them they had to flush.  Her mom took her to school a little early this morning to practice flushing and she was also going to speak with the teacher.  She doesn't want her child holding it in all day over this flushing thing.  It's just week 1, she'll do it when she's ready.

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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

Aww, go with her to the school, and you do the flushing, then give her a turn (when she's ready).  She's just starting to learn about the big bad world, and will need many loving lessons along the way.  You get to light her path.  Make a game of it until she's comfortable with it.  Good luck.  Hand in hand, flush away!

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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

1. Let her parents handle it! Why are you involved? They can let the teacher know and let the teacher deal with it.

2. Don't make such a big deal out of it. She will figure it out if the grownups don't make such a fuss. 

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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

    I think it's a good idea to take her somewhere with similar toilets.This way you or her mom can explain to her & show her how it works.This would alleviate her fears.

   If you can't find a place with a similar toilet perhaps the school would allow you to take her into the bathroom either before or after school.

This is exactly what I did with my grandson @NicksmomESQ. When he was 2 and we would go shoppig to Target or other stores with automatic and LOUD flushing toilets he would get really terrified. It was just a matter of going in there with him (always I would never send him in his own stall so young) and I actually would sit there and explain to him why it was loud and why it flushed automatically. How public bathrooms need more pressure because so many use them compared to home bathroooms and that makes them louder and they are automatic because some people are rude and don't flush. They I would let him press the button on the automatic flusher. He loves buttons as most kids do. He was over his terror of them in no time. 

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Re: Granddaughter is scared of the School toliets....

I am happy to report that she has got over her fear of the loud flushing noise.


The teacher let an older girl go with her and after a week or so, she isn't having any issues.


The class always go now as a group before recess.


I think it helped that she has friends at this School now too...