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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

We had two solid days and nights of rain, has subsided now.


I told DH to buy two cups of broccoli florets, he came home with an enormous bag full, the guy can''t read, lol, so had to google for a recipe to use it, and found a broccoli pesto pasta recipe, now why didn't I think of that, probably made it many times before, so that will be tonight, and may fry some fish as a side.


Tomorrow will be either sausage pizza or pasta, will make both, lots of sauce for the freezer.


Off to the Vet tomorrow as my girl pup has a growth on her nose, hope it is only a tag and easily removable, I should be so lucky.



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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

@Pooky1  Hello. Happy Birthday to you.Your birthday is tomorrow but I wanted to tell you to have a great day now in case I wouldn't get a chance tomorrow.

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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

@mousiegirl  Hope everything went ok today at the vets.

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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

@hellie jo wrote:

@mousiegirl  Hope everything went ok today at the vets.




@hellie jo  Thank you, but I have a 3:00 appointment, three hours from now, West Coast here, but I will let you know. Smiley Happy

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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

@mousiegirl wrote:

@hellie jo wrote:

@mousiegirl  Hope everything went ok today at the vets.




@hellie jo  Thank you, but I have a 3:00 appointment, three hours from now, West Coast here, but I will let you know. Smiley Happy




@hellie jo  It was a tick, as I suspected.  When I first noticed it, I tried pulling it out, but didn't see legs, and it was long and brown, not like any tick I have seen, so decided not to continue pulling it.  As soon as the tech saw it, she said it was a tick, and removed it.  apparently, I had pulled it out far enough so she just scraped it out. If I had seen legs, I would have kept pulling.  Oh well, she had an exam and is now good for another year unless something comes up.



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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

@mousiegirl  so glad it turned out ok.You are such a good fur baby mama.Our pets are so important.I call our Sadie fur face!

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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

It's getting colder here,maybe some snow later. Hope so. Went out for dinner tonight at Logans Roadhouse, Love throwing the peanut shells on the floor!

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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

@hellie jo wrote:

@mousiegirl  so glad it turned out ok.You are such a good fur baby mama.Our pets are so important.I call our Sadie fur face!



@hellie jo  Lol, how cute. Smiley Happy  I am calling my girl tick nose today, lol.  She is very furry, which is why I didn't notice the tick sooner, I think.  This is the one out of the two that keeps me on my toes, always looking for trouble, tough little terrier mix, but sweet.  She has a mind of her own, and doesn't care a hoot about what anyone wants, only what she wants, stubborn, but after years, I have her somewhat trained, what a joke, LOL, she comes when I call only if it suits her, a great escape artist, and on and on.


The male, Remmy, is very obedient, sweet, and full of energy, as is the girl, wish I had half of their energy, lol.  Here she is.


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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

What a cutie! I love dogs and cats,but only have a dog now.She is the queen of the house.She was a rescue and had been through a lot,so of course she is spoiled.She is a mix,part Austrailian cattle dog and will " herd " you if you are in the fenced in back yard haha

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Re: What's Cooking for a Happy New Year 2019- Wheeeee!!

Homemade pizza for us tonight; really hit the spot.   


Plan for tomorrow is to cook a pot of October beans, wilted lettuce and onions, and make cornbread in my Papaws small egg skillet.