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We just aren't eating salads lately.

I'm not too sure, other than tomato slices, or a few pieces of lettuce that we'll be eating enough until we get fresh during the summer. I guess we can take vitamins, but the right foods would be better.

Anyone have suggestions on how to choke those down? I really don't know what we're going to do.

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Re: We just aren't eating salads lately.

You sound like me-I am definitely weather driven. Even though we live in Florida and a lot of that is grown here, when it's on the cooler side, salad is not on my menu. Cooked greens- sauteed on their own, or thrown into soups, stews, stir fry is a good option. Poodlepet2
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Re: We just aren't eating salads lately.

Make lots of soups and keep a good stash of veggies in the freezer. I add veggies to whatever I can-

baked potatoes loaded with veggies

veggie quesadillas

lentil soup

beans and greens soup

(I don't eat eggs, but you could do veggie filled omelettes)

veggie lasagna

you can sneak them into smoothies

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Re: We just aren't eating salads lately.

Do stir frys!

We eat loads of vegies. I cook a lot of greens, I do okra, tomatoes, and butter beans; and we do salads with mainly romaine and the smaller (larger than cherry) tomatoes! I also do salad with mandrian oranges, spring onions, celery, and sweet-sour vinegarette.

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Re: We just aren't eating salads lately.

Sauteed cabbage; coleslaw; kale chips; kale and collards sautéed, steamed or boiled with a little ham and chopped up in soups later; winter squash baked; mashed cauliflower; roasted broccoli; steamed carrots and green beans; tomatoes canned and added to soups and roasts and in tomato sauces for pasta; bell peppers and onions sautéed or in soups and around roasting meats.

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Re: We just aren't eating salads lately.

Good lettuce is hard to find around here lately. All the selections at the grocery were brown. Smiley Sad We've been substituting spinach for lettuce, and that's made a big difference.

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Re: We just aren't eating salads lately.

i eat salads every day. there is always a salad and at least one green vegetable on the table or dinner. in fact, for christmas we had a caesar salad AND a nutty berry field green salad. there are so many leaves and lettuces to choose from these days i can really have a wide variety and pretty much add anything to them that i want.

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Re: We just aren't eating salads lately.

Leaf salads I love eating but hate making. I think it's the cold water, and I can't take the cold water in the cold weather! I do simple chopped salads instead for winter months. Broccoli, cherry tomatoes and cukes, make a quick easy and healthy side dish. I mostly will steam Brussels sprouts though when it gets super cold out!
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Re: We just aren't eating salads lately.

I like the broccoli/cauliflower salad with bacon, red onion, raisins, mayo/vinegar/sugar mixture. Then I sprinkle macadamia nuts or cashews in it. I can eat it until I get sick.

I have been having a hankering for split pea soup but I don't have a ham bone. I'll get a ham steak and cut it up and put it in the crockpot.

I made Brussel sprouts the other day by steaming them a bit, fried some bacon and shallots and then put the sprouts in the frying pan with a splash of balsamic vinegar. There were delicious.

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Re: We just aren't eating salads lately.

I have to admit, I find basic salads somewhat boring. I like to use butter leaf lettuce and the usual tomatoes, then jazz them up a bit with thinly sliced onions, thin cucumber slices and canned mandarin slices. A sprinkle of Italian dressing plus the juice from the canned mandarins. Whether that's a health no-no I'm not sure, but I like it. Sometimes, butter leaf lettuce with a smashed hard boiled egg and a little olive oil.