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Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

Yes there are a lot of ingredients in that cake but I'm not certain how many aare harmful.  I'm also willing to guess that most are in very small quantities that most likely would not ruin your day.  We can all nitpik about ingredients contained in foods  that we buy and eat.  The lower down on the list of ingredients the smaller the quantity.  We all have a choice.  If we don't like what's  in there, then walk away.  As adults we don't need the food police .

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Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

I don't see cake being on  a nutritional list. But Oatmeal cookies and carrot cake is to me a little healthier. I sure hope those cakes were fake because they were cracking on the frosting. But that is a very serious piece of cake. Is anyone else scared of the sugars, carbs, and the calories but me ? But everything in moderation. Unless for a special occasion that it would pretty much be eaten, I wouldn't purchase it. But I think I would just go to the bakery to purchase a cake . That is a serious cake purchase price.

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Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

But at that price ?

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Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

what was it 5 layers of buttercream icing & all that and you want healthy?? LOL OMG get over it, it's sugar I really just wanted a little piece of it. Easter coming, potato salad deviled eggs & candy enjoy or don't bother your decision. We control or don't bother what goes into our mouths, either enjoy or be health conscious you pick it.

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Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

on holidays we do go over the top too much salt too much sugar, well stay at home & rent a movie be done don't come to my house, we don't eat like this everyday but to have a diet people complaining about a holiday meal I don't want you near me. Enjoy your lifestyle meal but holidays we do have things way out of normal. 

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Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

My family embraced a large number of fabulous cooks, many of whom had neither the time nor the money to acquire and figure out the amazing array of chemical combos listed here. 


Without the chemistry books, they came up with day after day of toothsome treats.


To me, neither this price nor this recipe warrants my attention. I’ll have Grandma’s Apple Jumble Cake on my Easter table.

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Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

News flash. We are all going to die. Eat the cake & enjoy while you can. No one gets out of here alive.

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Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

@CLHS68 wrote:

News flash. We are all going to die. Eat the cake & enjoy while you can. No one gets out of here alive.

Lol! I know, but we don’t have to speed it along do we?⚰️

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Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

@Ketra wrote:

@CLHS68 wrote:

News flash. We are all going to die. Eat the cake & enjoy while you can. No one gets out of here alive.

Lol! I know, but we don’t have to speed it along do we?⚰️


I'll give up 4 months of my 90 years for an occasional piece of cake...LOL


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Registered: ‎02-09-2016

Re: Pastel Rainbow Layer Cake (David’s Cookies) - Check Out These Ingredients!!!

I am just trying to avoid bad medical reports. I have a severe health scare this year so I really pick and choose my health battles very, very, carefully. Dr. reports have been given to me in the last few weeks and I felt relief that I am on the right track. I do allow myself a treat once in a while , in moderation though. If my health deteriorates at least I know I did my best.I am not ready for my exit from the world not quite yet.