Posts: 58
Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Learn to Love cooking & preparing food--how?

Hello All,

This is my first time posting in Kitchen & Food talk. I normally stick to electronics & tsv talk. But I have a question. First though a little backround.

When I grew up my mom never cooked. Very rarely. We didn't have homemade meals. Mainly subsisted on cereal & sandwiches. And that was a good day. I can very much relate to the movie toast. I'm always craving delicious foods. But I really don't have a love of cooking & preparing foods.

What I want to know is how can I learn to love it like all of you?

Just got the TSV Vitamix. Mainly to make healthy drinks. But I want to use it also for cooking. The recipe book looks awesome. But still when it comes to making the food it seems really hard.

Any helpful tips that would make cooking easier/more enjoyable?

Thanks SO much!