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Re: Home Economics in school?

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i had home economics in 7th gade. sewing i made a stuffed pig that came with babies.  a girl in our class didnt have a sewing project so i let her take the baby pigs for her project. they taufgt some cooking and how to use a washing machine. and it was in the 80s.

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Re: Home Economics in school?

Wish I had a husband that could do anything LOL



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Re: Home Economics in school?

Kachina, I went to Moore College fo Art & Design in Philly and majored in fashion illustration.  I did go to Derxel for frat parties though!!  LOL

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Re: Home Economics in school?

I went to parochial school, as well, and there was no such thing as Home Ec.  If it's still taught now, it should fast-forward about 60 years to deal with today's to plan and put a fresh home cooked dinner on the table in 30-45 minutes (it is possible, Eve if it's not every single night), how to shop for groceries efficiently and not over-buy, etc.  This goes for girls and boys especially so they learn to be self sufficient and not rely on other people to take care of them when they become adults.


However, I think even more important and critical than Home Ec is to teach PERSONAL FINANCE.  Teach our kids know the value of money, how to save it, how to invest it, and how to plan for retirement EARLY.  The majority of Americans just ignore this until it's too late, and then they wonder why they can't make ends meet.

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Re: Home Economics in school?

My DD graduated from high school 2 years ago. She did take a lot of AP classes, but was able to take a couple of cooking classes and wood shop. 

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Re: Home Economics in school?

With the onslaught of technology, practical skills taught in home ec classes have been tossed to the wayside. Not such a great trade-off.

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Re: Home Economics in school?

We had it in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades (1966-1968) .It consisted of half a semester of cooking prepared foods (Kraft mac and cheese, refrigerator biscuits, box cake mixes, instant mashed potatoes, oatmeal -- with the exception of instant potatoes, which never darkened the door of our house, it was stuff I'd started making when I was 6 years old, with my mother's supervision. By the time I took Home Ec, I was already a decent cook on my own, and the classes felt like a big step back). The one class I found valuable was making meringue cookies). and half a semester of sewing -- I nearly flunked in 6th grade because I couldn't gather the waistband on a stupid apron. What a waste of time.