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CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

Cheap or expensive?  How did the turkey come out?  We got a cheapo store brand (78 cents a pound) and brined it for the first time ever.  


It turned out just fine!  We cooked it in a covered roaster (old school like my mom did--top off for last 1/3 of cooking) and it was moist and juicy and great.  We ate it for a meal and had sliders, turkey pot pie, and more sandwiches out of it!  


It was a 12 pounder and was just right for a good amount of leftovers. 


Since we really didn't do the whole meal thing, we used some turkey stock from the neck and "parts" and made packaged gravy.  Which, actually wasn't bad for NO fuss whatsoever!

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Re: CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

We do just a turkey breast that we got for $.99/lb.  I think it was 7 pounds and roasted in the oven with the cover off the last half hour to crisp up the skin.  It was moist and delicious.  Very little to clean up, too, as it just falls off the bone.  Super simple.  

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Re: CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

My partner wanted to purchase a deep fried turkey from food similar to KFC but spicer. They only offer the turkeys at holiday time. 


I think it was $45 and 12 pounds.........for 2 people.  LOL  


Past years we've just done a turkey breast when it's just for the 2 of us. 


I'm looking into meant injectors to attempt the same kind of thing w/just a turkey breast next year (oven roasted). 

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Re: CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

We bought a cheap  25 pounder from Wm cooked it a turkey  bag. Always turns out yummy. Hubby smoked a turkey  beast in the Treggar.  Also yummy.

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Re: CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

@Sassy7356 wrote:

We do just a turkey breast that we got for $.99/lb.  I think it was 7 pounds and roasted in the oven with the cover off the last half hour to crisp up the skin.  It was moist and delicious.  Very little to clean up, too, as it just falls off the bone.  Super simple.  

Hi Sassy7356 - how did you cook your turkey breast, what temp. and for 7lb. how long ?  Every time I have ever tried to cook just the breast it's come out dry and awful.  Thanks

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Re: CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

In turkey world, our was expensive, $5.29 per pound.  But it was a fresh breast close to 7 pounds from the farm down the road.


It was good and very moist.  I did a dry brine the night before.  Rinsed off, patted  dry then rubbed with seasoning all over even under skin, buttered it up and roasted.


I was seeing the dry brine method on some of the TV cooking shows and decided to try it.  It works very well, but I think a wet brining adds more flavor.

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Re: CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

Moderately expensive, fresh.  It came out great.  16+ pounds.


I did the brine that I've done for a number of years now.  Also, I make up a dry rub that works well.  


I really love turkey a lot, so that's the one thing that if I messed it up I would be especially bummed out.    This one had an enormous amount of breast meat, for which I am really pleased.   I'll be able to make up quite a few packets to vacuum seal and freeze.   It's the one time I get a turkey a year and I hope to have enough to have turkey many times.

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Re: CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

21 lb Butterball in a cooking bag--turned out juicy and great.  Few days before I cooked a whole Butterball breast in air fryer.  Turned out great as well.  Think I will split the breast for the air fryer in the future.  I have the big air fryer but a whole breast was kind of difficult to turn.  It was a little too high for the basket.

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Re: CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

My DIL cooked Thanksgiving dinner.  She got a free turkey from ShopRite  and it was delicious. 

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Re: CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE: How did the turkey turn out?

I had a chance to do a sort of Turkey Taste Test since I got to share a big extended-family dinner.  They did one turkey indoors in a Brown N Bag, one with injected seasoning in a turkey fryer, and one outdoors in an infra-red grill (first one of those I'd ever seen). 


The plain old Brown N Bag oven turkey was by far my favorite -- the meat was moister and actually tasted better than either of the other two.