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If you didn't grow up in the 50's and 60's you may not have ever had this subject in school.  I took it in 7th and 8th grade (I think it was an elective but not sure).  Anyway, what we learned was pretty much useless even back then.  Sewing included making an apron and a dress (my mother wound up making both), learning about different wax and had to wax a floor,cooking something you'd never eat.....I'm sure there was a lot more, but don't remember. I do remember that we'd better finish up what we were doing by the time the bell rang (mostly cooking) and clean up.


Times are SO different now with all our conveniences and how easy it is to grab fast food.  So many women work outside the home and who waxes floors anymore?


If we had home economics today, what should be taught?  (I am assuming home ec is no longer taught but maybe I'm wrong?). I would suggest how to put together easy meals in a short time, tips on keeping rooms tidy,, balancing a home budget...... 

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Re: Home Economics in school?

I made my grandmother a robe, when she died I was surprised she had kept it all these years.

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Re: Home Economics in school?

I had Home Ec. in high school (60's). I loved it & can't believe they don't still have it. My G-mother taught me a little about sewing before I started HS. My mom bought me a sewing machine just before starting hs. I sewed that whole summer. My teacher was quite surprised I knew how to sew. We cooked in HE. & learned alot of basic "housekeeping". My teaceher liked me, this was my best subject in school,lol.... My g-kids (boys) are amazed that I know how to sew by hand (buttons & such). 


Family's are nothing now compared to how I grew up. They eat on the run, take clothing to cleaners for alterations & such. I am so very thankful for what I learned in HE.

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Re: Home Economics in school?

My home economics  experience was quite different from the OP's.   We had the sewing and cooking... no floor waxing or other silliness.   So the programs have been discontinued and we now have a generation who panic when a Denim &  Co pant is too long,  not knowing they can hem it in 30 minutes.   They're scared to death of pressure cookers and have no idea of what their advantages are.  Sad because this practical information is needed. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Home Economics in school?

I took "Shop."  My parents still uses the book shelf I made & this steel thingy I made hangs on the living room wall.


Me and my best friend were the first females in the school's district history to take "Shop."  This was back in 1963.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Home Economics in school?

That was one of my favorite classes!  I remember making a pleated skirt with a waist band which was quite an undertaking for a first time sewer.  Also remember making some sort of stuffed prunes as an appetizer. I actually did a lot of sewing after that class. And I enjoy cooking too. 

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Re: Home Economics in school?

I made a hot pants set, lol. Today I would suggest budgeting/money management, nutrition/cooking healthy food from scratch, environmentally sound products for the home, recycling, etc.

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Re: Home Economics in school?

Now called Family and Consumer Sciences, it is still very strong in my state.  It is part of vocational and technical education.  In my local school it includes courses in culinary arts, child development, interior design, textiles and clothing, and personal development.  Teachers graduating in FCS from our state university are in strong demand. 

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Registered: ‎08-18-2016

Re: Home Economics in school?


Wow! @chihuahuamom, your post sure took me back.

I too had home ec in 7th & 8th grades and what a waste of time!

I remember we had to learn to make hard boiled eggs, but one egg broke and it turned out all the eggs were rotten!  Phew! what a STINK!

And after airing the room the teacher had us boil those rotten eggs anyhow! 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,550
Registered: ‎07-15-2016

Re: Home Economics in school?

I grew up in the 50s ... went to parochial schools - we didn't have any classes like that.  But, we did have "etiquette" classes in grammar school.


My mother taught me how to sew (and knit, crochet, embroider)  - but sent me to classes at a local shop on how to use patterns, select fabrics, fitting, etc. 


All that other stuff - learned at home.  My mother wasn't a very adventurous cook - good cook, but simple - nothing exotic.


I learned to "cook" by watching Julia Child and from cookbooks.