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Registered: ‎03-27-2011

I put in an advance order for the 6" iron skillet . it is so cute Woman Very Happy I hope the non-stick part works as advertised. I had some small iron skillets that fit in the toaster oven  that came with a Christmas present with a cookie mix.  Seemed like a great idea , but they were very hard to clean and I ended up donating them. I hope this one is worth the $s. I mainly want to make a small frittata as my husband and I never finish a larger one .


Anyone have comments on the 'non-stick' aspect of GZ's products ?

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Posts: 4,379
Registered: ‎10-11-2017

I've never tried his products, but wish he would make a non stick 8" grill pan. Most stuff is made in large sizes for families and I don't need anything big. Hope it works out for you.

Posts: 36
Registered: ‎11-03-2018

Yes, the non-stick works just like he shows. I love mine. Didn't buy the 6" as I have am 8" cast iron that is many years old and it is really slick but just a tiny bit of butter and food slides like it's non-stick. 

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Registered: ‎11-24-2011

@okaywitheasypay  I have his 13 x 9 cast iron pan and just love it.  Makes the best cornbread and biscuits  !!!!