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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

@nyc1   Nope.  Don't even grind by teeth.  Cat Happy

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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

Good morning!  Have to go grind some beans.  DH noticed the difference.  Not hard to do .

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

@JeanLouiseFinch , I have a small Bodum grinder that doesn't take much room, that works well.


I had to evaluate whether it was worth it (and what color to buy) and it really does a good job.  About $25.  Amazon.

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

@Sweetbay magnolia wrote:

@JeanLouiseFinch , I have a small Bodum grinder that doesn't take much room, that works well.


I had to evaluate whether it was worth it (and what color to buy) and it really does a good job.  About $25.  Amazon.

Nice.  Thanks, @Sweetbay magnolia   😊

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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

We use a Breville combo coffee maker/ grinder and it is amazing. We set it up in the evening and push a button in the morning.  We usually buy bags of beans from Costco or Sams ( frequently Starbucks or whatever catches my eye).  Over the fifteen years we've been grinding think of all the Starbucks stops we haven't made.

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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

I have a coffee grinder. Never use it anymore. I always thought it was a waste of my time and energy grinding coffee beans and never noticing any difference in the taste of my coffee. Woman Surprised

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

Honestly, I cannot tell the difference. Maybe the early a.m. has something to do with that.


I used to grind my own. But we go through coffee so quickly that our pre-ground always tastes great.

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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

@Sweetbay magnolia wrote:

I've just recently discovered how much better the coffee tastes, when you grind it yourself.

Definitely! its more fresh and aromatic as compared to buying ground coffee. 

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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

Purchased the Cuisinart "Grind N' Brew" coffee maker years ago.  (have gone through several new ones through the years)


Definitely notice the difference in the coffee using freshly ground coffee.


We also set it up the coffee maker the night before.  Since the actual coffee pot is thermal, in the morning,  will heat up water in the microwave and then pour the hot water into the coffee pot to first heat up the thermal  coffee pot.  After the coffee pot is heated up, discard the hot water in the pot and then return the pot into the coffee maker to make the coffee.  


Definitely notice a difference with  freshly ground coffee.  It is so worth it to us. Thank you.

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Re: Do You Grind Your Coffee?

I don't drink coffee and my husband was a Keurig user.  Then, one day we were eating lunch at a restaurant that had TV's along the wall and Alton Brown was on extolling the virtues of pour over coffee and exactly the best way to do it.  DH's back was to the TV, so I was kinda giving him a play by play thanks to CC.  He didn't really seem particularly interested at the time, but next thing I knew he had bought the carafe and started making pour over coffee and acting like a coffee snob.  So, he changed from the Peets K-cups to the same Peets beans, Major Dickason's dark roast.  


I pulled down an old grinder that actually belonged to him before we got married stored away in the cabinets. and that is what he uses.  He didn't even remember having it.  It has a variable grind dial on it.  The only problem is he sometimes forgets to put the lid on.  He's also not particularly cleaning up the mess that makes.  He'll get the obvious grounds, but not the ones that go in behind things sitting on the counter.